Dave Pickett: Designing for Impact

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4 min read5 days ago

We spoke with CivicActioner Dave Pickett, Senior Content Designer for our client U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), about his many valuable talents, his experience at CivicActions, and his love for helping people and really making a difference.

What is your job at CivicActions?

My role at CivicActions is Senior Content Designer. This involves collaborating with our clients at VA to develop content models for their products, focusing on UX, micro copy, and other elements related to the textual and visual aspects of a page rather than the technical code or exact presentation. Content design is a relatively new field, with varied job descriptions across different organizations. In addition to my specialized UX role in content design, I also handle high-level project communication with CivicActions. In addition, I’ve also been involved in sales efforts to secure new contracts.

How long have you been with the company?

I’ve been with CivicActions just over 2 years now. It’s been great. I’ve been on the Veterans Affairs Project the whole time. We’ve gone through a couple of different iterations of the project team since then. This is my first time officially working in Civic Tech.

What led you to your current role at CivicActions?

Content design is an interesting field that ties into my diverse career background. I’ve worked in digital marketing, video production, and communications. Recently, I earned a master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction, which deepened my understanding of human-centered design. This helped me transition from digital marketing and communications roles to content design, where the focus is on creating content that enhances user experience, rather than just achieving marketing goals. This shift to prioritizing the user has made my work much more rewarding.

What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?

I think for me, the foundational thing of working in Civic Tech is that we are solving actual problems. There are needs to be met. Veterans need to be able to go online and understand how they can get benefits. That is a real problem that we’re solving for people. It’s not like when you work at a for-profit corporation, you’re doing something because it’s important to the company. But it’s not necessarily important to the world or to people. So it’s just so great to have that foundational understanding of what we work on here really matters, so that I know that everything I’m doing is serving this larger goal. I’ve had aspects of that, working at nonprofits before. But really working in government, it’s actually a whole other level of this purpose-driven work, which is something I’ve been searching for my whole career.

What skills are essential for success in your position?

CivicActions is a government contractor; we’re not government employees, meaning we are a professional services organization. The government is our client, so client relation management skills are foundational for everyone here. Understanding client dynamics, meeting their needs, and escalating issues is crucial, often more so than technical skills. This is different from in-house jobs where decisions might be made for you. In client services, you’re closer to decision-makers who may change their minds, so knowing when to make decisions or involve others with confidence is essential. Content creation requires time and experience in writing for various online formats, whether it’s a bulleted list, a tweet, or a headline. It’s important to understand different platforms’ limitations and how to adapt content accordingly. Also, having a grasp of editing styles, providing constructive feedback, and not tying your identity too closely to your work is vital. You can also think of things on the fly.

What do you find unique about the company culture at CivicActions?

I’ve worked in various settings — running my own business, for-profit, and nonprofit — and CivicActions has the healthiest work culture I’ve ever encountered, even better than when I worked for myself. CivicActions is a better boss to me than I was to myself, deeply considering what it means to work sustainably without burning people out or undercutting clients, which could damage long-term relationships. While any specific decision might be right or wrong, there’s a constant sense of learning from our experiences. Leadership is proactive in communicating and anticipating uncertainty, something I haven’t experienced at other companies. Everything CivicActions promised in interviews has been true even two years later. Unlike other companies that make claims in their marketing materials but don’t follow through, CivicActions genuinely walks the talk.

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