Joining the Data Coalition and expanding our commitment to open data

Melinda Burgess
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2018

As maintainers of the DKAN open data platform, CivicActions is dedicated to helping governments adopt non-proprietary data standards and publish government information freely, in formats that are useful to the public.

As part of our continued commitment to support global open government data efforts, CivicActions is now a proud member of the Data Coalition.

The Data Coalition is the world’s first, and only, open data trade association. Based in Washington, D.C., the Data Coalition advocates on behalf of the private sector and the public interest for the publication of government information as standardized, open data. The Coalition empowers data companies to make the government more efficient and transparent.

Joining the Data Coalition will expand our impact as we continue important conversations, initiatives, and projects to facilitate the use of government open data throughout the world.

We look forward to working with and learning from other Data Coalition member organizations to reform data laws and transform government information into standardized, useful formats accessible to everyone.

