Inspiration gone viral: Letter to the 10-year-old girl who applied to the Paris Summer Innovation Fellowship

We’ve got goosebumps. The global recognition of our youngest fellow in the first-ever Paris Summer Innovation Fellowship is a thrill. But more than that, it’s an encouraging sign of what the world is hungry for: inspiration, boldness and creative problem-solving.

Thank you TIME, Glamour, Mashable, The Guardian, Business Insider UK and so many others for spreading Eva’s uplifting story near and far— including you, the thousands of individuals who made the initial Facebook post of Eva’s story go viral. If this is just the beginning, we can hardly wait to see what magic all 20 Paris fellows cook up this summer.

Context behind the story: Eva, a 10-year-old, applied to our summer fellowship program amidst mostly computer science Phds and seasoned urban designers. A brief summary of her proposal: “The streets of Paris are sad. I want to build a robot that will make them happy again. I’ve already starting learning how to code on Thymio robots, but I have trouble making it work. I want to join the program so the mentors can help me.” Here is Kat Borlongan’s, Founding Partner of Five by Five and the Paris Summer Innovation Fellowship, reply to her.

Dear Eva,

The answer is yes. You have been selected as one of Paris’ first-ever Summer Innovation Fellows among an impressive pool of candidates from all across the world: accomplished urban designers, data scientists and hardware specialists. I love your project and agree that more should be done — through robotics or otherwise — to improve Paris’ streets and make them smile again.

I am writing to you personally because your application inspired me. There was nothing on the website that said the program was open to 10 year olds but — as you must have noticed — nothing that said that it was not. You’ve openly told us that you had trouble making the robot work on your own and needed help. That was a brave thing to admit, and ultimately what convinced us to take on your project. Humility and the willingness to learn in order to go beyond our current limitations are at the heart and soul of innovation.

It is my hope that your work on robotics will encourage more young girls all over the world — not just to code, but to be as brave as you, in asking for help and actively looking for different ways to learn and grow. More good news: I wrote to Thymio, the robotics company whose tech you use and asked if they could designate a specialist to personally help you. They have decided that that person will be their President himself. They will also be providing you their latest robot.

Welcome aboard our spaceship, Eva. We’re very much looking forward to meeting you in person.

All the best from Paris,


PS Please ask your dad to call me :)



Five by Five
Field Notes from Five by Five’s Civic Innovation Series

A Paris-based innovation agency out to make a dent in the universe. Founders of #summerfellows #66miles.