Apply Now! Eight new opportunities you can apply for February

Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe
Civic Tech Innovation Network
5 min readJan 29, 2021

African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative Programme

The African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC) is the accelerant behind hundreds of African female entrepreneurs who have transformed and grown their businesses. It is seeking the next 200 women who are ready to join its cohort for a high-impact applied learning experience.

It’s seeking Women who are:

  • Founders of businesses that have been in operation for at least two years in any industry and have at least two employees (either full time or part-time) OR women who have a strong business concept and plan to launch their business within the next year
  • Founders of social enterprises are encouraged to apply; founders of NGOs or nonprofit organizations are no longer eligible for the 12-month program
  • Citizens of any African country, currently living on the continent or in the diaspora
  • Comfortable with remote teamwork and collaboration, especially using digital tools
  • Proficient in verbal and written English
  • Able to regularly (at least weekly) access the Internet through a computer or tablet

Learn More and Apply Here

Deadline: 31 January 2021

Civicus: The Youth Action Lab — Strengthening Youth-Led Movements

The Youth Action Lab is a one-year co-creation lab for grassroots youth activists based in the global south which works to support their movements to become more resilient and sustainable in their pursuit of a more equitable world. The Lab is an innovative, safe, active, inclusive, collective, representative and connected space, online and physical for grassroots activists, which thoughtfully considers diverse contexts and ecosystems to better resource them to flourish with their communities.

Participants in the Lab work to build political solidarity and networks, strengthen capacities in engaging with policy processes, and access resources to support their movement. The Lab will act as a hub for testing new ways of working within civil society and mobilizing learnings from across sectors in support of youth-led movements

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| Deadline: 01 February 2021


From now through February 5, 2021, l’Agence française de développement (AFD), together with Expertise France and The GovLab, is soliciting innovative proposals (re)using data in a collaborative and responsible way to provide actionable intelligence for decision-makers and people to respond to COVID-19 and future pandemic challenges across Africa.

AFD, together with Expertise France and The GovLab, is seeking ideas and proposals that (re)use data to provide actionable insight on COVID-19 along with the following domains:

  • Public Health
  • Economic
  • Socio-Political

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| Deadline: 05 February 2021

TICTeC Show and Tells 2021 — Call for Proposals

This series of TICTeC Show and Tells provides the opportunity for individuals and organisations to apply to make 7-minute presentations followed by a short Q&A at a TICTeC Show and Tell.

“We encourage presentation proposals to focus on the specific impacts of civic technologies, rather than showcase new tools that are as yet untested.

TICTeC is all about bringing together those interested in civic tech so they can learn from each other, so ultimately better digital tools are developed.”

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| Deadline: 14 February 2021 23:59 GMT

The African Civic Engagement Academy (ACEA)

The African Civic Engagement Academy (ACEA) is a free online training program and networking opportunity offered to selected mid-career NGO and public sector leaders across sub-Saharan Africa.

Who is the ACEA Intended For? The Academy is intended for mid-career individuals with demonstrated leadership experience in NGO, non-profit, or public sector roles. Space is limited and applications are competitive.

Participants will:

  • Be between the ages of 30 and 45 as of January 1, 2021.
  • Serve in a leadership role with a civil society organization (including NGOs and non-profit community organizations) or a government unit responsible for engaging with the public.
  • Have a demonstrated record of leading civic engagement efforts, including projects and programs to advocate, engage, and communicate in an inclusive way.

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| Deadline: 15 February, 2021 AT 5PM GMT

The U.S. — Africa Tech Challenge

Seeking innovative responses to counter disinformation and propaganda in Africa.
Disinformation and propaganda pose a threat to trust, cohesion, and security. We need the tools to understand, expose, and counter these threats.
The U.S. — Africa Tech Challenge invites technologists from across Africa to submit an application to present their solution against disinformation and propaganda to an audience of government, civil society, and private sector stakeholders. Up to eight organizations will be chosen to demo their technology. Up to three organizations will be selected as winners of the Challenge and will receive funding totalling $250,000 USD.

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| Deadline: 28 February, 2021

Propella Future Makers Programme

Future Makers is an intensive programme “from concept to market” process run by Propella for IT innovators.

• You need a great idea and some determination

• An app, a service or an IT application that no-one else has thought of yet or requires help to commercialise and scale

• OR, you need a product or service that will facilitate the commercialisation and growth of a tech business eg social media, bookkeeping, CAD-CAM design, software development etc

• Idea must fit into the operations of a Smart City or Community, such as Industry 4.0, IoT, etc.

• Approximately 100 ventures are selected to attend a two day Stage 1 “Bootcamp”

• No cost to participate

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| Deadline: Not Supplied

The Africa Young Innovators for Health Award

The Africa Young Innovators for Health Award is launching its first competition designed to highlight and support the work of pioneering young entrepreneurs developing health innovations.

We want to encourage business entrepreneurship and help advance promising health care solutions that support and empower healthcare workers — those on the frontline of delivering healthcare to communities. Therefore, we are looking for innovative healthcare solutions aimed at supporting, protecting, and empowering healthcare workers through solutions like training programmes, providing protective equipment or improving the quality of healthcare.

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| Deadline: 31 March 2021


While CTIN encourages its community to apply for these opportunities, CTIN takes no responsibility for these opportunities. Our opportunities are collated from various sources. While we make every attempt to ensure this information is as accurate as possible, we take no responsibility for its authenticity, application processes and/or results. The current information is derived from each initiative’s website.



Melissa Tsungai Zisengwe
Civic Tech Innovation Network

Program Project Officer at Civic Tech Innovation Network at Wits Governance School