The SACN is compiling an open evidence mapping of the use of open government data to address the COVID-19 response in South Africa’s cities and provinces.

CivicTech Contributor
Civic Tech Innovation Network
2 min readApr 23, 2020


If you are aware of any data responses to COVID-19 in your city, we kindly request that you complete the form below, so we can document and share as an open resource for the benefit of all cities.

PURPOSE: Building off the success of the OECD/GOVLAB Open Government Data (OGD) call for evidence, and calls within the South African city sphere to document the learnings of the COVID-19 pandemic, this evidence mapping aims to document and map the open data response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in South African cities and provinces.

METHOD: This evidence mapping is open source with the intention to form the collective intelligence of data practitioners in disseminating the collection of data responses.

EXPECTED OUTCOME: As with the OECD/GOVLAB call, this process will be beneficial to the SACCD for numerous reasons. In the short term, this mapping will support knowledge sharing and easy access to relevant and appropriate data practices occurring across South African Cities and Provinces. While in the long term it will help generate a collection of learning to assist members of the SACCD and beyond in understanding how cities and provinces are leveraging data and analytics to respond in a time of crisis and be better equipped/prepared to use data as part of future responses.

Fill out this form. All entries will be compiled and shared in this composite, shared Google Document.

CTIN is supporting the South African Cities Network (hosts of the SA Cities Open Data Almanac — SCODA and the South Africa Council for City Data) in this COVID-19 response initiative.

Thank you for your contribution.

Contact for more information: Jonathan Wilson, Jokudu Guya

