She is pulling the strings of the Swedish Civic Tech network

Digidem Lab
Civic Tech Sweden
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2020
Pernilla Näsfors Östmar, project manager of Civic Tech Sweden. Photo: Hannah Lina Mazetti (CC BY 4.0)

Pernilla Näsfors Östmar has a background at the World Bank and the Swedish international development agency Sida where she worked with transparency projects. Now she is the newly recruited project manager for the Civic Tech Sweden network.

Welcome! How do you feel about your new job?
– Great fun! It was a surreal feeling to see the job ad. It made me feel that “That’s me they are writing about!” It felt very natural to apply for it. It’s a privilege to have the chance to work with something I would have had done anyway, without getting paid. Civic tech has been that for me — an area where I put a lot of voluntary time.

What are your tasks at Civic Tech Sweden?
– I will build a community around civic tech players in Sweden, a task that suits me very well. I usually call myself a “connector” — I am good at connecting people who can collaborate. I believe we will function as a mix between an industry organisation and a startup hub.

“We will try to have a more long-term horizon”

Will meetups be arranged as well?
– Yes, when possible, we will start “Civic Tech Labs”, i.e. physical meetings where you meet and discuss issues that are important to everyone and share experiences. This will not be a typical “hackathon” where you compete and work on temporary small projects. We will try to have a more long-term horizon. It will be possible to participate both from an NGO, a business firm, or as an individual.

What is your vision for the network?
– When you work with technology for the common good, we all have a vision of a better society. I hope that the participants in this network will not see each other as competitors, rather like it is a big family where we help each other forward! It is very much about openness among the participants.

What is the status of civic tech issues in Sweden today?
– It is “up and coming”. A couple of years ago when I was working a lot with open data, it was pretty hot. But then it has fallen into oblivion. Now, because of the Corona-virus, there has been a huge upswing for using digital services in contact with authorities, and for digital participation and accessibility. The fact that Sweden’s Innovation Agency Vinnova chose to support this sector is also a sign that the area is moving forward. It is still possible to apply for funding from Vinnova for this area.

Do you have any favourite Civic Tech Project or Area?
– I would say the ridesharing movement Skjutsgruppen, where I have been involved before. It is a good way to collaborate between citizens in combination with public transportation.

Civic Tech Sweden

