Announcing OwlFactor (formerly CivikOwl) — The smart way to get good news

Arjun Moorthy
The Factual
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018

When we started CivikOwl two years ago our original idea was to help people take meaningful actions after they read the news. This idea failed, in part because people weren’t sure the news they were reading was good enough to act upon. So we built software — called OwlFactor — to validate the quality of news and find the best news on any topic.

In the last year, we’ve learned that the OwlFactor score given to every piece of news is what we’re best known for. So today we’re announcing that CivikOwl will be rebranded as OwlFactor.

We also realized that what most people use OwlFactor for is not to root out fake news, or fight news bias — although OwlFactor is useful for this. Rather, more often people use OwlFactor to get the best-written news on topics they care about or sources they read. Indeed, most of our time is spent not consuming “news of the day” but interesting articles on topics we care about.

So our focus has changed to reflect this use case. No longer is our main slogan about fake/bias news but rather is about finding the best news wherever you get your news. Or put more simply: The smart way to get good news.

Ok, back to building a product that delivers the best news to you!

