How to scrutinise the stability of the Foundation Before buying a property?

“For your safety, do not ever call an astrophysicist. Just dial to a qualified civil engineer.”

Suppose you plan to buy an old house in a geographic location with a known tendency for differential foundation movements. In that case, it is always wise to seek advice from a skilled geotechnical engineer.

A stable foundation is of crucial importance to your home. Everything that is constructed on top of that, because if there are issues with the foundation, there will inevitably be problems in the house above. It is essential to analyze the frequency of problems relevant to the foundations and to establish the root cause of those issues.

The source is the most critical aspect, as repairs would be useless if the initial cause of distress is not detected and removed. It is difficult to detect the problem if the sign of cause is hidden through painting, patching, tuck-pointing, the addition of trim, wall cover, etc.

The primary concern in all scenarios is whether the degree of distress involves a restoration of the foundation. For taking such a decision requires excellent experience and a level of compromise. We also addressed the general signs of distress for the foundations’ safety and ways to identify these signs of distress.

Home Foundation Inspection Checklist

  1. Inspect The Windows And Doors
  • Examine interior doors for proper fit and operation. Check for evidence of previous repairs and changes like shims behind hinges; keepers relocated, tops of doors shaved.
  • Check the plumb and square of the door and window frames. Look if the doors are square in the frames or not.
  • Check to see if the strike plates have been adjusted to accommodate the strikers; relocation might indicate movement.
  • Measure the length of the door at the doorknob side and the hinge side. A discrepancy suggests that the door could are cut.
Crack above the door

2. Irregularities in Floors

Walking through a house will alert the homeowner to any sagging, bowing, bouncing, or cracks within the floor. An uneven floor may indicate a gap or detachment from the wall. A simple method for checking the floor level (without carpet) is to place a marble on the surface and observe its behaviour. A rolling action indicates the construction of a foundation on a differential grade, which can be a problem for the stability of the foundation.

Uneven level of a floor

3. Check For Cracks In Ceilings And Walls

Drywall cracks inside of a home usually indicate foundation settlement. These cracks tend to be more visible in the upstairs rooms. The continued growth of the crack or displacement of the door marks would be a strong sign of foundation movement. The following types of cracks are signs of trouble.

  • Corner cracks:- These are seen extending out from windows and doors.
  • Seam cracks:- This type of crack will follow the seam in drywall.
  • Tape cracks:- These form when the tape is pulled, buckled, or ripped.
  • Nail popping:- When the nails pop free from the drywall, this is the sign of a severe problem.
Crack in ceiling

4. Inspect for Cracks in Outer Surfaces

  • Check the exterior foundation; brick homes show cracking along the mortar lines with wider cracks indicating the walls are rotating in an outward direction.
  • Look for the cracks in the brick veneer from window and door frames.
  • Check for the trim added along with door jams or window frames.
  • Check for the separation of brick from frieze or fascia trim (look for original paint lines on brick).
  • The exterior of the home should be checked for sinking, shifting, or other changes, especially around patio areas and chimneys.
Separation of the chimney from the outside wall

5. Inspect for Exposed Concrete Surface

All concrete cracks must be inspected during buying any kind of property to ensure the proper safety of the personnel involved. Some concrete cracks like Hairline cracks are commonly observed in freshly placed concrete, and their occurrence is owed to the phenomenon of plastic shrinkage. As the name implies, these cracks are very small- about 0.003 inches (0.08mm) in width and can be very shallow.

Cracks in exposed concrete surfaces

6. Check for Drainage close to the Foundation

Check exterior drainage adjacent to foundation beams. Drainage problems close to foundations can be very costly to rectify. The proximity to the property can complicate any excavation works and even affect the structural integrity of the foundations.

More attention should be given to planter boxes, flower bed curbing, and downspouts on gutter systems.

Pond of surface water near the foundation


The foundation is crucial is because it is literally what holds up the building, and additionally, it is what supports integral structural components, such as floor joists and main beams. Before buying any properties, a buyer should perform inspections of their property to catch foundation problems before they cause severe damage to the home and also done regular self-done checks which can help save money in the long run.

Author- Abhishek Rawat



Civil Engineering Consortium IIT Roorkee
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