The Truth About 2024

It’s closer to 1984 than 1944

Randy Fredlund
Civil Politics


Graves at Normadie in France. American cemetery.
Sadly, too many Americans have no idea why these people sacrificed their lives at Normandie. Photo by the author.

The following quotes are classic examples of anti-democratic Banana Republic behavior. They reflect strongman or mob motivations. These quotes describe reprisals against political opponents for the good of self and party.

The people spouting these words care not for the welfare of our democracy. They justify their assertions with unsubstantiated lies concerning justice organizations, prosecutors, and a clandestine conspiracy by a nebulous Deep State. They ignore all the nefarious actions of their comrades in favor of recrimination, assigning blame to those who defend the rule of law.

If there is anything to be thankful for, it’s that these perpetrators feel no need to hide their obvious fabrications. Unfortunately, far too many Americans are thick-headed, completely oblivious, or actively endorse these anti-democratic statements.

“Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state, but the president’s wife, into jail. Wouldn’t that be a terrible thing? But they want to do it,” said the former president.

He continued: “Would have been very easy to do it, but I thought it would be a terrible precedent for our country. And now, whoever it may be, you’re going to have to view it very much differently.”

The Newsmax audience eats this doublespeak up without even a hint of acknowledging the irony of having chanted, “Lock her up!” along with the fascist former president. But now that he is a convicted felon yet to be sentenced, the terrible president calls it a “terrible precedent.”

Unfortunately, the anti-democratic musings do not stop with him. As quoted in The Washington Post, House Speaker Mike Johnson provided a “three-pronged approach” for how the Republicans will “target the Justice Department, New York, and other jurisdictions for investigating Trump — vowing to use House oversight powers while cutting funds in the government appropriations process and taking other unspecified legislative measures.”

Speaker Johnson also said the purpose of a recently announced June 13 hearing is to “investigate what these prosecutors are doing at the state and federal level to use politics, you know, political retribution in the court system, to go after political opponents, federal officials like Donald Trump. And we’re going to look at Special Counsel Jack Smith.”

In other words, the Republican intent is to use their power to persecute the prosecutors regardless of the facts of the cases. Party before country.

The fact that these “leaders” think in this manner is disturbing.

That they are enabled by voters who are either oblivious to or endorsing their intent is even worse.

40 years before 1984, on the beaches of Normandy, Americans began the final push to defeat a totalitarian fascist dictatorship. 40 years after, at the ballot box, many Americans are pushing to become one.

George Orwell’s only error was the date.

Editor’s note: Satire, political essays, and opinion pieces that draw attention to the disparities and falsehoods of “truthy” narratives are valuable and appreciated. AI allows and promotes disingenuous attempts to subvert democratic representation. Civil Politics hopes to inform, question, and share valuable perspectives. We do not promote AI, hate, personal attacks, or misinformation.

Contact the editor at PoliticallyPutridPromise@gmail.com to be considered if you’d like to write for us.

Other recommended reading from Civil Politics writers Patricia Hughes, Miss Catherine La Grange, spinster, and Peter Sassi



Randy Fredlund
Civil Politics

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.