7 Advancements Every Civil Engineer Should Know About

Julianna Xoe Widlund
Construction Talks by Civils.ai
7 min readDec 29, 2022

Civil engineers are responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining the built environment, including buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. They work on a variety of projects, from small residential developments to large-scale public works projects.

Some specific responsibilities of a civil engineer might include:

  • Conducting site surveys and assessments to determine the feasibility of a project
  • Developing detailed plans and specifications for construction projects
  • Supervising the construction process to ensure that work is completed according to schedule and within budget
  • Testing materials and monitoring quality control during construction
  • Managing a team of engineers, technicians, and other professionals
  • Maintaining and updating records and documentation related to a project
  • Providing technical advice and support to clients and stakeholders
  • Working with architects and other design professionals to coordinate the design of a project
  • Ensuring that projects comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and codes

As you can see, there is a multitude of responsibilities that every engineer has on their plate. Staying abreast of technological advancements is important for civil engineers in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of their work and to stay competitive in their field. The 7 advancements below are all incredibly important for civil engineers to either learn more about or begin using in their everyday work.

1. GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

GIS is a system for capturing, storing, analyzing, and managing data and information about geographic locations. It is widely used in civil engineering for tasks such as mapping, land use planning, and infrastructure management. GIS allows engineers to analyze and visualize geographic data, helping them to make informed decisions about the location, design, and management of infrastructure projects.

At civils.ai, we are building up mapping the geology of major cities and creating tools to automatically digitize geotechnical reports so they are geospatially referenced. Soon enough, you will no longer need to dig through old pdf files of soil data and instead be a click away to uncover what lies beneath the ground surface.

2. Advanced materials

Engineers are constantly seeking out new and innovative materials that can be used in construction and infrastructure projects. These materials may have improved physical or mechanical properties, such as increased strength or durability, or they may have other desirable characteristics, such as improved sustainability or reduced maintenance requirements. Some examples of advanced materials that are being used or researched include fiber-reinforced polymer composites, self-healing concrete, and advanced ceramics.

One startup, in particular, is making strides in its development of novel self-healing concrete. Mimicrete, founded in 2021, is an advanced material science startup. They have developed a self-healing concrete system based on a vascular network containing a healing agent. Their technology requires no manual intervention post-installation, it increases the strength of concrete on day one and more than doubles its lifespan. The need to monitor and maintain infrastructure is reduced. The extension in lifespan reduces the volume of concrete utilized in the overall built environment, in turn reducing the negative environmental impact of construction itself.

Mimicrete helps the “world’s most destructive material” to become significantly more sustainable, without total reinvention of the product or supply chain.

3. Smart infrastructure

Smart infrastructure refers to the use of sensors, IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, and data analytics to improve the performance, efficiency, and safety of infrastructure systems such as roads, bridges, and utilities. Smart infrastructure can be used to optimize the use of water in buildings and infrastructure, reducing water consumption and costs. Additionally, sensors and data analytics can be used to monitor the environment, helping engineers to understand and address issues such as air quality, water quality, and climate change.

4. 3D printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating a physical object by building it layer by layer from a digital model. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry by allowing engineers to create customized, on-demand components and structures. 3D printing can be used to quickly create prototypes of various components and structures, allowing engineers to test and evaluate different design options. Additionally, it allows for the creation of components and structures with minimal waste, as the material is added layer by layer rather than being cut or machined from a larger piece.

It is important to note that 3D printing is still in the early stages of development and there are a number of technical, economic, and regulatory challenges that need to be addressed before it can be widely adopted in the construction industry.

5. Augmented reality and virtual reality

These technologies are being used in civil engineering to visualize and analyze designs, plan and coordinate construction projects, and train workers. AR can be used to create virtual models of a construction site, allowing engineers to plan and coordinate construction activities more efficiently. They can also be used to create immersive experiences for the public, such as virtual tours of completed projects.

OpenSpace AI is a startup that should be noticed as it is providing industry-leading solutions for capturing and analyzing the built world. They have projects in 91 countries with 672 million images of active construction projects captured so far and over 13 billion square feet of reality capture data.

The technology behind OpenSpace — which is similar to the perception and navigation systems in self-driving cars — is the culmination of nearly two decades of combined research and development, which started with the founders’ work at MIT. The OpenSpace Vision Engine maps photos to project plans automatically. You just need to turn on the 360° camera, tap go, and walk the job site. Their cameras capture data in real-time, are connected with their app, and once uploaded they can generate the entire 3-dimensional site with an average 15-minute processing time.

This new technology has the potential to save tremendously on construction costs, improve data management, and accelerate project schedules for future projects globally.

6. Vertical farming

Vertical farming is a trend that involves growing food in multistory buildings in urban areas or other locations where traditional agriculture is not feasible. It allows for the year-round production of food using less space and requires the implementation of irrigation systems and LED lighting by civil engineers. This practice can provide more access to a variety of foods and can also help reduce energy, water, and fertilizer use. Civil engineers can play a key role in the design and construction of vertical farms by developing plans, testing materials, and conducting surveys to ensure this sustainable practice is positively benefiting the built environment and the people.

7. BIM (Building Information Modeling)

This is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure. BIM allows engineers to design, analyze, and visualize projects in a 3D environment, improving communication and coordination between design teams and reducing errors and rework. BIM enables multiple team members to work on a project simultaneously, improving communication and coordination among team members. It also allows stakeholders to review and approve designs more efficiently.BIM can help engineers design more sustainable buildings and infrastructure by allowing them to analyze the environmental impact of different design options and optimize for energy efficiency and other sustainability metrics.

New technologies can help civil engineers work more efficiently, reducing the time and cost of projects. It can enable civil engineers to do things that were not previously possible and are aimed at improving the sustainability of the built environment. Civil engineers who stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and innovations are likely to be more competitive in the job market and may have more opportunities for advancement within their organization.

Check out our weekly blog on civils.ai for a deeper dive into the 7 advancements every civil engineer should know!




Julianna Xoe Widlund
Construction Talks by Civils.ai

Hi everyone! My name is Xoe and I write about the ever evolving world of technology and innovation.