Developing data products for impact

Ethel Karskens
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2021

In the past few years, Civita has supported and helped dozens of charities in Australia to raise their data maturity. The volunteers in our community, typically data professionals who are willing to support for-purpose organisations and learn from a different perspective, have created an immense positive impact thanks to their experience and skills.

The projects our data community has worked on have been varied. They have included creating data reporting dashboards in Power BI or Tableau, data migrations, CRM set up, data collection methods, survey analysis, and many more. But while the projects and experiences have all been distinct, our team has noticed a pattern in the needs that small to medium charities have when it comes to the insights they draw upon.

Taking organisations on a data journey

When it comes to smaller charities or NGOs, the needs for insights can be grouped into the following groups: fundraising, web analytics/EDMs, and finances. More topics can be explored, like social media campaigns/strategies, social impact, or operations. But the first three give the organisation a solid foundation to start its data journey.

Creating insights can be overwhelming. If the organisation has spent little to no time to validate which indicators and data can help them in the decision-making, the number of possibilities becomes endless and exhausting.

Making the power of data accessible

As an organisation that releases the power of data to organisations and individuals, we ease the most difficult stages to become data mature. Our team creates the bridge between uncertainty and the first steps in the data journey of these organisations. The data assessment, scoping conversations, and hours given by our volunteers create the data outputs that can be taken on to their next data chapter.

The Civita dashboards suite — insights at hand

This is where Civita’s data dashboards suite comes in. The prepackaged dashboards offer a set of standard indicators designed to help small organisations make decisions around their fundraising or products. By leveraging our experience in supporting charities making the most of their data into scalable products, insights have never been so close.

Giving ownership to organisations

In addition to offering pro bono insights to organisations, the dashboards also allow organisations to maintain full control over their data. As privacy policies have evolved over the last few years, it has become more difficult to share data with volunteers without a lot of constraints. These products allow these organisations to plug in their data without needing to share them with people outside of their organisations.

In addition to the products, our team will give the required support to set up the basics and get the most of the dashboards.

Join our team

We are looking for more volunteers to complete the Civita product suite team. By joining our community and especially this team, you will support the creation of scalable data products accessible to for-purpose organisations for free.

We are especially looking for data professionals with experience in Power BI, Google Studio, and Product Management.

Interested? You just need to answer our short form at the end of our volunteering page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

