Meet the Team: Rian Medina

Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2018

1. Where did you attend college and what was your major?

​I’m a certified college drop-out, but I like to claim honorary alum status at Columbus College of Art & Design. While working there for seven years they helped develop me into a professional who loves working with creatives.

2. Where do you call home?

I’ve been in Cbus for 11 years, but I am from a very small town on the west side of Cleveland.

3. If you were given a free full-page ad in the newspaper and had to sell yourself in six words or less, how would the ad read?

Ridiculously charming non-binary is bad at following direction, paves new way for headlines in newspapers.

4. If you could be a character in any Netflix/HBO series, which series and character?

I am big into personality typing, so as an ENTP, I identify strongly with characters like Barney Stinson from (How I Met your Mother) or Jack Skellington (Nightmare before Christmas). I like big, bold ideas, new experiences and yeah…I rely on my personality quite a bit.

5. What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given and who gave it to you?

Learn how to do the job no one else wants to do. Ask lots of questions. Become a linchpin. — My Dad.

6. What do you hope to accomplish alongside us?

I am pumped to use my event planning skill set, my weird creativeness, and my ability to multitask; all while working with other young, creative professionals. Basically, I am excited to see all that I can accomplish while being set up to succeed. Most importantly, our office always has La Croix & coffee so I’m confident my production will be exceptional.

You can connect with Rian on Linkedin

