#CivicsForUS: Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship Application

Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2020

Deadline extended to October 4th, 2020, 11:59pm

Gain media skills! Grow your civic leadership!

Join students from across the country on a mission to strengthen our democracy through civic education that speaks to every student!

Our Program:

The Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship is a paid year-long program for students in grades 7–12 to lend their voice to the discussion on equity in civic education. By the end of the program students will be able to:

  1. Convey their personal narrative and employ lived civic experiences as valuable contributions to the equity in civic education discussion
  2. Articulate the need for equity-rooted civic education
  3. Engage adult advocates and allies around youth civic needs from a student-focused perspective
  4. Leverage communication and advocacy skills developed throughout the program to engage with decision-makers and public institutions to influence outcomes in their community
  5. Understand the relationship between civic knowledge, civic engagement, and social influence skills as tools necessary to navigating civic institutions

Our goal is to cultivate a deeper appreciation for student voices in the field of civics which we will accomplish by facilitating student-led discussions about civic education with equity at the center to ensure student perspectives are represented in the national dialogue.

The Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship cohort serves from October 2020 through Summer 2021

Program Requirements:

This is a paid fellowship opportunity. Selected students will be required to:

  • Attend October 17–18th Virtual Kick-Off Event
  • Attend virtual online workshops and guest speaker events (2xs /month)
  • Attend meetings with the Equity in Civics Steering Committee (when possible)
  • Participate in speaking engagements as assigned
  • Lead and build the national social media campaign
  • Publish op-ed/blog
  • Engage in local advocacy for equity in civic education
  • Attend and participate in the end of program event (June TBD)

Eligible applicants must be low-income students, students of color, OR students in rural communities, with an interest in politics, civics, history, government, or social justice.


Teacher Nomination Form: http://bit.ly/iCivicsECYFNoms20_21


Student Application Form: http://bit.ly/iCivicsECYFApp20_21

Students need both forms to be considered for the Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship. DEADLINE EXTENDED October 4th, 2020, 11:59 pm EST

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I am not selected as an Equity in Civics Fellow?

Students that are not selected for the Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship will have the opportunity to join the Youth As Civic Experts Network and work on the national social media campaign.

What is the Youth As Civic Experts Network?

The Youth As Civic Experts Network is a virtual network of students that meet monthly and collaborate with the Equity in Civics Youth Fellows to build and execute a national social media campaign on equity in civic education. Students learn social media skills, gain media training, leadership skills, and mentorship. Students in the Youth As Civic Experts Network have the option to participate in the same projects as Equity in Civics Youth Fellows if they desire. Any student that applies for the Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship can join the Youth As Civic Experts Network (Equity Fellows are automatically part of the network).

When is the application deadline?

Both the Teacher/Mentor Nomination and the Student Self-Assessment Application forms are due by October 4th at 11:59 pm (extended deadline) to be considered for the Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship program. No other documentation is required.

When will I hear back?

Students will hear back by October 9th regarding their application status. Accepted students should prepare to attend the Virtual Kick-Off held October 17–18 (times TBD).

Additional Questions:

Please email iCivics Director of Social Engagement Amber Coleman-Mortley (ecyf@icivics.org).

Still not convinced?

Read about the 2019–2020 Equity Fellowship and Youth As Civics Experts Network experience 👇

Pass the Mic: Social Media for Civic Equity

#CivicsForUS — Student Experts Learn Policy & Advocacy Strategies for Local & State Participation

#CivicsForUS — Student Experts Discuss Equitable Civics And Student Voice In Their Schools

Pass the Mic: Students Discuss Equity in Civics (SXSW EDU 2020 Virtual Panel)

Student-Managed Social Media Accounts:

Twitter: @CivicsForUS

Instagram: @YouthAsCivicExperts

Join us!

NOMINATE A STUDENT: http://bit.ly/iCivicsECYFNoms20_21

STUDENTS APPLY NOW: http://bit.ly/iCivicsECYFApp20_21

Students need both forms to be considered for the Equity in Civics Youth Fellowship. DEADLINE EXTENDED October 4th, 11:59 pm EST



Writer for

Our goal is to ensure that the civic mission of schools is at the core of education as a way to sustain our democracy.