5 Educational Field Trips to Take With Your Kids This Summer

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3 min readJun 8, 2023

June 5, 2013 | admin

Summer is here, but that doesn’t mean the learning needs to stop!

As a parent, you can continue growing the understanding of math and science concepts all summer long, no matter how old your kid is. In fact, your kids might actually learn MORE by going out and experiencing math and science concepts in the real world!

  1. The Zoo. Explore the wonderful world of animals. Talk to your kids about natural habitats of elephants, the amazing biology of monkeys, and how proper nutrition plays a huge part in an animals’ well-being.
  2. Museums. Pique your child’s interest by exploring the depths of a museum to discover our nation’s history, the culture of those around us, and the mechanics of how things work. Read and discover together to connect themes to classroom learning to show that all learning is connected. Bonus: Look for hands-on science museums where kids can play with real science experiments.
  3. National Parks. Take a hike through nature. Examine science concepts behind the rock formations of the park, the age of the towering trees providing shade overhead, and discuss how you can take away some lessons in conservation to begin a recycling program in your own home.
  4. Sporting Events. Have you ever thought about all the math and science concepts that go into a baseball game? Imagine how fun it would be to learn how to calculate the distance between third base and home while enjoying a ball game and a hot dog with your favorite little man.
  5. Vacation. Regardless of where you are vacationing this summer, there are plenty of learning opportunities for all ages. Talk about the effect of tourism on the economy, how global warming has changed the landscape, or learn the language of a new country!

Studies have shown that most students need to be taught a single concept multiple times before they actually learn it. This is why we teach the same concept, electrons for example, many times over the course of an intro to chemistry lesson.

A teacher might start a chemistry lesson by allowing students to play with model of an atom. Then the teacher might show a short YouTube clip about electrons. Over the course of the chemistry lesson the teacher will introduce the topic again and again through science experiments, class discussion, chemistry worksheets and more in order to assure every student understands the foundation on which future chemistry lessons will be taught.

This repetition in learning should be continued outside the classroom to really drive home math and science concepts.

If you want to teach your child about ecosystems this summer, start by taking a walk around your neighborhood. Talk about the ecosystem you live in. What kind of wild animals are around? What is the weather like? How do these things affect your daily life?

Next, watch a movie taking place in another ecosystem. Discuss that ecosystem and how it varies from the one you live in. Then, when you go on vacation to Hawaii later this month, talk about that ecosystem. What does it have in common with other ecosystems? With repetition and discussion, your child will learn ecosystems!

There are millions of learning opportunities in math, science, history, English and more in the things we do everyday!

Where have you done learning? What are some great lessons you’ve found in the things you do with your family?

Originally published at https://blog.ck12info.org.
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