The Science of Interior Design

CK Publishing/ Born Media
CK Publishing / Born Media
18 min readNov 19, 2022


The science of interior design is a fascinating and complex field that is constantly evolving. This article will provide an overview of the history, theory and practice of interior design, as well as the important role that it plays in our lives. The science of interior design is a complicated, multifaceted field. It’s hard to imagine a single person who could be well-versed in all aspects of the field. However, there are some principles that are common across all types of interior design, and if you’re going to be an effective designer, you should know them. The term “interior design” is not a very well-defined one. It can refer to a career, or it can refer to the general idea of designing how your home looks. When we talk about interior design as a field of study, it is defined as the art and science of planning and creating spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and functional for their intended occupants.

Just Guidelines

As we go through this process together, please keep in mind that these are just guidelines — they don’t have to be followed exactly as written here or anywhere else. Feel free to adapt them as needed based on what works best for your particular project or clientele! Interior design is a science. A practical science, yes — but a science nonetheless. It’s not just about making things look pretty; it’s about understanding how human beings interact with their environments, and then using that knowledge to create functional, comfortable spaces that people will want to spend time in. Unlike the other sciences, interior design does not have a clear-cut method for determining what is true and what is false. This can be a difficult concept to grasp at first, but it becomes easier once you understand that the science of interior design is not based on empirical evidence or any kind of scientific law. Instead, it relies on the subjective experiences of its practitioners. For example, when an interior designer says that a space feels warm and inviting, they are not making this claim based on any objective facts that could be proven in a laboratory setting; rather, they are making this claim based on their own personal experience with spaces that are warm and inviting.

For this reason, there is no such thing as an objective definition of what constitutes good design; instead, there are only individual definitions held by different people in different contexts. These definitions may overlap at times but they will never be identical because everyone has their own unique set of experiences from which they draw upon when making judgments about what looks good or bad to them personally.


The word ‘interior’ comes from the Latin word interus, meaning ‘inside’. The word ‘design’ comes from the Latin verb designare meaning ‘to mark out’. So interior design is literally about creating an inside space! You can see how this relates to our definition above: it’s about creating any space inside a building — not just rooms or hallways but also staircases, fire escapes etc.

The science of interior design is a complex and multi-faceted field. It combines the art of design with an understanding of human psychology and behavior, as well as an awareness of the physical sciences.

According to Designers Guild Ltd., “The science of interior design can be traced back to the early civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia.” This claim is supported by evidence that shows that the ancient Egyptians were already using patterns and color schemes based on the human body’s natural responses to light and color. This trend continued in Greece, where architects started incorporating mathematical ratios into their designs. In China, architects began studying feng shui and how it relates to human health, which led them to incorporate more natural materials into their building materials.

In Europe, Florence became a center for innovation when it came to furniture design. At this time (the 15th century), European society was becoming more commercialized; people were moving from rural areas into cities where they had access to more resources than ever before. The demand for new types of furniture skyrocketed. The result was an explosion in creativity among artists who wanted their work to stand out from the crowd: they drew inspiration from nature. These civilizations used their knowledge of architecture and mathematics to create aesthetically pleasing spaces that also functioned well within their environments. Over time, people began to develop more complex designs that included ornamental features such as murals and sculptures. In fact, some archaeologists believe that the Egyptians may have even used mirrors in their temples to reflect light into dark areas! Interior design has been around for thousands of years, but its modern form emerged in the early 20th century, when architects like Frank Lloyd Wright began to focus on creating comfortable spaces for people to live in rather than designing purely functional buildings (Wright). At this time, most architects focused on designing buildings that were meant to last for generations, so they often included designs that were difficult to update or change. This made them less appealing to most people who wanted to live in their houses for more than one decade (Wright). In contrast, Wright and other modern architects believed that houses should be designed for their inhabitants’ needs at any given point in time rather than simply being built with an eye towards longevity (Wright). They believed that good design should be flexible enough so that it could be updated or changed easily over time without losing its original character (Wright).

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing and comfortable spaces where people can relax after work each day.

The science of interior design is the study of how to create the most aesthetically pleasing, functional environments. It’s a complex field that requires a deep understanding of human psychology, as well as an eye for detail and color. The science of interior design is a complex, multidisciplinary effort that draws on many different fields. The profession requires knowledge of architecture, fine arts, and psychology; it also requires technical skills in drafting and design. A well-designed interior space is one that meets the needs of its occupants while also complementing their personal style and aesthetic preferences. In order to achieve this goal, an interior designer must first have a thorough understanding of the client’s lifestyle and aesthetic preferences. Then they must apply their knowledge of architecture and construction techniques to create a functional space within a budget that will meet these needs.

To begin, we must understand that there are two main types of spaces: controlled and uncontrolled. Controlled spaces are those with a specific purpose in mind; for example, a living room would be considered a controlled space because it is used for socializing with friends or family members. Uncontrolled spaces are those that do not have any specific use; for example, an attic would be considered an uncontrolled space because it does not have any specific purpose in mind. So when planning out your interior design project, you must consider which type of space you’re working with — controlled or uncontrolled — and what that means for how you should plan out your design choices.


Science is the systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. The field of interior design is a scientific one, as it is based on a set of principles and uses concepts to create new designs. The science of interior design can be broken down into three categories:

The first category is the science of aesthetics, which examines how people perceive beauty and how they react to certain designs. It also studies how people react to different colors, materials, textures and shapes. This branch of science focuses on human behavior when they are presented with various stimuli such as color or texture.

The second category is the science of space planning, which deals with how space should be used in a given room or building. This branch of science uses mathematical formulas such as ratios to determine how much space each object needs for optimal functionality.

The third category is the science of architecture which deals with how buildings should be constructed so that they meet certain standards or requirements such as safety standards for construction workers who are building homes for families who need affordable housing options during times when there aren’t enough homes available for sale or rent within their budget range due to rising costs associated with living expenses being higher than what most people earn from their jobs. Another aspect of interior design is color theory. Color theory refers to the way colors affect us emotionally and psychologically; it can also influence our moods and memories. For example, red is associated with passion and energy while blue is associated with peace and tranquility . It’s important when designing interiors that you choose colors that will complement each other well.

More than Decorating

Interior designers work with clients to evaluate their homes and make recommendations for improvements. They also have to consider how these changes will affect the space’s layout, as well as any additional costs associated with implementing them. They also need to make sure that any new designs are in compliance with local building codes and zoning laws so that they don’t run into any legal issues during construction.

The science of interior design is divided into two main branches: residential and commercial property. Residential interior design focuses on the home, while commercial property focuses on work spaces such as offices or retail stores.

Residential interior designers specialize in creating living spaces that are functional and aesthetically pleasing to the client’s needs. For example, if you have a small space with no windows, you may want to consider adding mirrors or lighting to make it appear larger than it actually is. If you have a large space that needs to be split into smaller rooms such as bedrooms or bathrooms, then you may want to consider painting them different shades so they don’t feel too cramped together when they’re actually being used by people who live there every day.

Commercial interior designers create work environments for others who work in those spaces every day; for example, an office manager will need a desk where she can organize her paperwork all day long without having too much clutter around her workspace (or being distracted by too much clutter). This means keeping things organized but also making sure there’s enough room for everything so nothing feels crowded or claustrophobic

This is what interior designers do: they use their knowledge of the way people work and live to create beautiful, functional workspaces for them. Whether it’s a rich CEO who wants his office to be decorated in a modern style or an apartment manager trying to create a space for her tenants that makes them feel welcome and at home, interior designers have an important role in making sure that everyone gets what they need from their living spaces.

In addition to evaluating existing spaces, interior designers also help clients create new ones from scratch. They draw up plans for renovations or new buildings based on the client’s needs — for example: if they want more storage space in their garage; if they’d like more bedrooms than bathrooms in their house; or if they want a smaller living room area so that it doesn’t feel cramped but still comfortable enough for entertaining guests at parties or family gatherings. he science of interior design is concerned with the study of space in relation to human beings. It’s about how to create spaces that are practical, functional, and beautiful — spaces that contribute to our overall well-being. The goal is for a room to function as a space where people feel comfortable and happy, even if they’re not particularly engaged in what’s happening there. It’s about creating an environment that promotes wellness, productivity, and comfort.

The Science of Interior Design: A Breakdown

The Science of Interior Design, also known as ISD, is a branch of interior design that focuses on the scientific aspects of interior design.

The study of ISD is not only a pursuit of knowledge, but also a way to learn about how humans interact with their surroundings and why certain colors and shapes make us feel the way we do. ISD is often taught at colleges and universities in the United States, as well as internationally. ISD encompasses a wide range of subjects including history, psychology, sociology, anthropology and even architecture. It also has many practical applications for designers who want to understand how people respond to different elements within their designs such as lighting or color schemes.

In order to achieve this goal, interior designers must understand how people interact with their surroundings. They must be able to observe and analyze the way individuals use their homes or offices so they can apply their findings to future designs. For example:

  • Do you prefer bright colors or neutral tones?
  • Do you prefer lots of windows or more privacy?
  • Do you like seeing sunlight during the day or do you like it dark at night?
  • What kind of furniture makes you feel most comfortable?
  • What kind of lighting do you need in order to see clearly?
  • What kind of noise level do you prefer?

There are three main elements that are essential for successful interior design: color, texture, and pattern. These elements work together to create a cohesive look that will help your space feel more like home. Color is one of the most important elements in interior design because it has such a strong effect on moods and emotions. When choosing colors for your space, think about how they will make you feel when you’re in there — and make sure those feelings are good ones! Texture is another key component to successful interior design because it allows us to see things differently by providing variety in our surroundings; we might see wood as soft or cold or hard depending on what texture we’re exposed to regularly (or not). Patterns are also important because they add interest without having too much color or

Interior design is the art of arranging a space to achieve a certain effect. It’s not just about making things look nice — it’s a science.

An interior designer must be able to think in three dimensions, which is why they start with a blueprint or preliminary drawing. This is the first step in creating an environment that reflects your style and sensibilities. Once you’ve defined your style, it’s time to measure the space that you’re working with. Interior design is a science, and it is also an art. It combines knowledge of the human body (or at least its limitations), geometry, color theory, and spatial awareness with creativity and aesthetic sensibility. But how exactly does interior design work? Interior design can be broken down into three main parts: space planning, lighting and color, and furniture selection. Space planning is the process of arranging objects within a room so that they will fit comfortably within it while still maintaining aesthetic appeal. Lighting and color are two parts of the same spectrum; both involve using light to illuminate rooms in order to create visual interest and moods for different activities taking place within them. Finally, furniture selection involves choosing pieces that complement each other aesthetically and functionally across all spaces in a home or office building so that no matter where you are standing or sitting there will be something interesting to look at nearby.

So now that we know what goes into interior design we can begin thinking about how it works on us as consumers by asking ourselves questions like “Do I want my room to feel cozy or open?” or “Do I want my house’s exterior look more modern or traditional?” These questions help us narrow down our choices before we even go

Next comes the fun part: shopping! Now that you know what size room you have to work with and how much it costs, it’s time to go shopping for furniture and accessories. You’ll want to keep track of your purchases so you can pay for them later (this is where your receipts come in handy). After all of this measuring, planning, and buying comes construction — and then finally decorating! Interior design is a science that brings together three elements: space, form, and function. By understanding how these elements work together, you can create a space that’s beautiful, functional and efficient.

Space is the most important element of interior design. It’s about making sure that the space you have works for you and your lifestyle. Form is about using color, texture and pattern to make the room feel more like home. Function refers to how well a room works for its intended purpose — whether it’s an office or your living room. When you’re designing your home or office space, think about how much time you spend there each day. If it’s only a couple hours per day, then you might not need a lot of extra storage space or seating options. But if it’s a place where people will be spending five or six hours each day, then it should be designed with comfort in mind — that means plenty of seating options and easy access to storage areas for things like supplies or clothes. You should also consider whether this space has been used before; if not then there are no existing patterns or colors that need to be incorporated into the new design scheme because they haven’t been established yet!


With so many different styles of interior design, it can be hard to choose which look is right for you.

Luckily, we’ve got all the info you need right here!

First, there is the traditional style. This style was popular in the early twentieth century and it is characterized by a lot of woodwork, crown molding, and ornate furniture made of mahogany or walnut.

Next up is modernist design. This style can be recognized by its use of simple lines and geometric shapes like circles and squares.

Finally, there is postmodernist design which became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Postmodernist designs have a more organic feel to them with bright colors and interesting textures that give off an artsy vibe.

The first thing to consider when picking a style is what kind of lifestyle you have. If you love the outdoors and spend most of your time outside, then a rustic design might be best for you. If you’re more of an indoorsy type, then maybe go with something more modern or contemporary.

Once you’ve figured out what kind of lifestyle works best with your tastes, it’s time to start thinking about how much money you want to spend on your new look. If money is no object and you just want the best designer in town, then go for something high-end like Art Deco or Baroque. But if budget is tight and there are other things — like school loans — that need paying off first before any home improvements can happen, then maybe consider going with something less expensive like Mid Century Modern or Scandinavian Modern instead so that at least one area of your life feels like a success story (and not another financial disaster).

The first specific style we will discuss is modern. Modernism is an architectural and artistic movement that began in the late 19th century and continued into the early 20th century. Modernism was a reaction to the excesses of Victorian designs and styles. It is characterized by simple lines, geometric shapes, and minimalistic ornamentation. The most famous modernist architect was Frank Lloyd Wright who designed many buildings in Chicago around 1900 including his famous Robie House which featured open floor plans with large windows and skylights.

Another popular style is classicism which uses classical elements such as columns or arches to create a sense of grandeur in an interior design project. The most common example of classicism can be found in churches where there are usually large columns supporting an arch above a door or window to add visual interest to the space while also allowing light into the church sanctuary itself on sunny days during services or other events held throughout each year when weather permits such activities outdoors (such as Easter Sunday).


Fashions in interior design are constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up with all the different styles. You might think that modern design means a minimalist look, with just a few pieces of furniture and a lot of open space. But actually, there are many different ways to define modern design, and each one has its own unique style.

I. The first fashion of interior design was the French, who were known for their love of all things gilded and ornate, and their equally ornate furniture.

II. The second fashion of interior design was the English, who favored a more streamlined style that they called “the Queen Anne” style.

III. The third fashion of interior design was the Georgian style, which was characterized by greater simplicity than previous styles, but also by a return to ornamentation.

IV. The fourth fashion of interior design was the Italian Renaissance style, which was characterized by a return to classical architecture and decoration with elements borrowed from ancient Greece and Rome

Modern interiors have a lot of straight lines and simple shapes. This is because modern designers want their designs to feel clean, simple, and uncomplicated — just like their furniture does!

In contrast to this minimalism is the “eclectic” style of modern design. Eclectic designers mix old and new pieces together in unexpected ways; they’ll use an antique armoire in their living room next to an ultra-modern coffee table made out of glass. The result is an interesting clash of styles that creates something entirely new! Another way to define modern interior design is by looking at the colors used in it. While some people prefer neutral shades such as white or beige when they’re designing their homes, others like bolder colors like red or orange — or even bright primary colors like blue or green! Most designers will tell you that color should follow function.

Fashion is a big deal. It’s how we express ourselves, and it can also be pretty fun to play with. So when it comes to interior design, you might want to consider the different ways that you can dress up your space.

The first option is to go with a minimalist approach: simple, clean lines, low-key color schemes… this is the “I don’t care what people think” option. You could use bold primary colors or choose black and white for a more sophisticated look.

If you’re looking for something more colorful and playful, go for a whimsical approach — you could do something like a rainbow theme! Or maybe take inspiration from nature and choose earth tones like green and brown. If you want something bright but still rustic, pick up some materials from nature like wood or stone for accents in your space.

Finally, if you’re looking for something edgy and modern, try incorporating metal accents and bold shapes into your space — you’ll be sure to turn heads!

The importance of interior design is growing every day as we become more aware of how much time we spend in our homes or offices. People are looking for ways to make their living spaces more enjoyable, efficient, and healthy. The right interior design can help you achieve these goals — and it can help you keep your costs down while doing so! The importance of interior design is something that cannot go without saying. It is not only a great way to make your home look amazing and feel comfortable, but it also helps you save money by making your home more energy-efficient and reducing utility bills. The cost of hiring an interior designer may seem like it is too expensive to be worth it, but the truth is that it saves you money in the long run. Interior design is an important concept because it allows people to express their personal style and taste, which can be a great way to make a home feel more inviting and comfortable. In addition, interior design can help homeowners create a space that reflects their personality and interests. This can be especially beneficial for people who live in rental apartments or dorm rooms, since they may not have much control over these types of spaces. According to many studies, people who live in homes with more natural light have a lower chance of getting sick or feeling depressed, which means that they will have a happier life overall. By investing in good lighting fixtures and curtains, you can make sure that your home always feels welcoming and cozy no matter what time of year it is outside! Interior design is important because it helps us express ourselves.

It’s also important because it gives us a way to make our living spaces reflect who we are, or at least what we wish to be.The way we decorate can say a lot about who we are and how we see ourselves, and it helps others see themselves through our eyes.The importance of interior design cannot be overstated, as it influences how we interact with everything around us. It affects how we move through space and how we interact with others. It also impacts our moods and emotions, which in turn affects how we communicate with others.



CK Publishing/ Born Media
CK Publishing / Born Media

Just an Ape with a story to tell. NFT Educator and Sales trainer. Aspiring author and content creator.