Diogenes just went Dark

Some CSS tweaking was all it took to stop my eyes from being stabbed by the bright white background on Diogenes 4.0. (Not that they are not disturbed right now by Medium's background.)

Should you like to attempt the same, you'll have to:

(Instructions are for Mac users. On windows it should be similar, with the sole exception of path locations.)

  • Open the Applications folder, go to the Diogenes app, right click it and choose Show Package Content.
  • Navigate to Contents/Server/Diogenes.css
  • Make a copy of the file and save it elsewhere — in case something goes wrong — and then open it. (Note: You can use Text Editor in case you don’t have Visual Studio Code or other such app installed).

Now you should be seeing the css code. Erase it and paste the following code:

Please note: I have changed the font to EB Garamond, one of my favorites along with Gentium Plus. If you don't want to mess with the font, you'll have to edit the parts of the code dealing with the font or just deal with whatever shows up at your screen (Times New Roman or Arial, perhaps? It will work, it just won't be pretty).

Now, if you want to try using EB Garamond:

  • Open Google Web Fonts Helper and download the font.
  • Unzip the file and copy the files with the .woff extension.
  • Now paste them to Contents/Server/Font

Now, after this small ordeal, what should Diogenes look like?

Here are some screen caps…

Duller colors are easier on the eyes.
Should we call it Diogenes Mojave perhaps?

Final note

In order for the new theme to work, you'll have to open Diogenes on your browser (which I always do anyway seeing that the app shell is exactly that). To do so, open the app and then navigate to http://localhost:8888/Diogenes.cgi# on the browser of your preference.

Comments and pull requests on the code gist are more the welcome.

