S02E33 — Victober (Outubro Vitoriano) — Romance de uma loja, de Amy Levy (The Romance of a shop, 1888)

Clássicxs Sem Classe
3 min readOct 19, 2020

No episódio de hoje, dou continuidade ao Victober (Outubro Vitoriano), e falo sobre a obra Romance de uma loja (Romance of a shop, 1888) de Amy Levy.

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Playlist Autoras Vitorianas:

Livro mencionado no episódio:

  • The Romance of a Shop (1888) de Amy Levy

Livros da autora:


  • Xantippe and Other Verse (1881)
  • A Minor Poet and Other Verse (1884)
  • A London Plane-Tree and Other Verse (1889)


  • Pierrepoint (1880, short story)
  • The Romance of a Shop (1888)
  • Reuben Sachs (1889)
  • Miss Meredith (1889)
  • Wise in Her Generation (1890, conto)
  • The Complete Novels and Selected Writings of Amy Levy, 1861–1889, ed. Melvyn New (1993)

Livros sobre a autora:

  • Amy Levy: Critical Essays, ed. Naomi Hetherington and Nadia Valman (2010)
  • Amy Levy: Her Life and Letters, de Linda Hunt Beckman (2000)
  • “Leaving ‘The Tribal Duckpond’: Amy Levy, Jewish Self-Hatred, and Jewish Identity”, de Linda Hunt Beckman, Victorian Literature and Culture. 27.1 (1999), pp. 185–201.
  • The Fin-de-siecle Poem: English Literary Culture and the 1890s, ed. Joseph Bristow (2005)
  • “Wise in her Generation”, de Oscar Wilde, Woman’s World, Vol. 3 (1890), pp. 51–52.
  • “Murder in Mile End: Amy Levy, Jewishness, and the City”, de Alex Goody, Victorian Literature and Culture. 34.2, Fin-de-Siecle Literary Culture and Women Poets(2006) pp. 461–479.
  • The New Woman And the Empire, de Iveta Jusová (2005)
  • The New Woman: Fiction and Feminism at the Fin de Siecle, de Sally Ledger and Alison C. Ledger (1997)
  • Wilde’s Women: How Oscar Wilde Was Shaped by the Women He Knew, de Eleanor Fitzsimons (2015)
  • Women’s Voices: An Anthology of the Most Characteristic Poems By English, Scottish, and Irish Women, ed. Elizabeth Sharp (1887)
  • Walking the Victorian Streets: Women, Representation, the City, and Modernity, de Deborah Nord Epstein (1995)
  • Women’s Poetry and Religion in Victorian England: Jewish Identity and Christian Culture, de Cynthia Scheinberg (2002)
  • “‘Neither Pairs nor Odd’: Female Community in Late Nineteenth-Century London”, de Deborah Nord Epstein, Signs, 15.4 (1990), pp. 733–754.
  • The Woman Who Dared: A Biography of Amy Levy, de Christine Pullen (2010)
  • The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer: Romance and Reform in Victorian England, de Michael Galchinsky (1996)
  • Women’s Emancipation Writing at the Fin de Siecle, ed. Elena V. Shabliy, Dmitry Kurochkin, e Karen O’Donnell (2018)
  • “Canonizing the Jew: Amy Levy’s Challenge to Victorian Poetic Identity”, de Cynthia Scheinberg, Victorian Studies, 39.2 (1996), pp. 173–200.
  • Daughters of the Covenant: Portraits of Six Jewish Women, de Edward Wagenknecht (1983)
  • The Jewess in Nineteenth-Century British Literary Culture, de Nadia Valman (2007)
  • “Semitism and Criticism: Victorian Anglo-Jewish Literary History”, de Nadia Valman, Victorian Literature and Culture, 27.1 (1999), pp. 235–248.
  • “Amy Levy: A Tragic Victorian Novelist”, de Richard Whittington-Egan, Contemporary Review, 280 (2002), pp. 40–45.

Esse episódio foi escrito, produzido e apresentado por Juliana Brina, em setembro de 2020. A música tema foi baseada na peça “Four sketches for piano”, op. 15, n°3, composta pela estadunidense Amy Beach, em 1892, e interpretada por Alan Feinberg

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Originally published at http://semclassepodcast.wordpress.com on October 19, 2020.

