Using Azure DevOps Pipelines to Build a Solidity Smart Contract

Itay Podhajcer
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2020

In real world scenarios, a developer usually doesn’t deploy a software component to a production environment straight from his local workstation. Usually, there a well defined automated process that is triggered when the developer checks in his code (to whichever source control platform is being used).

In this article we’ll be using an Azure DevOps build pipeline (with either a connection to an external Git repository or a local Azure DevOps Git repository, your choice) to build a solidity contract when a check-in is made to the master branch.


A GitHub repository with the complete example is available here:

You can grab it, push it to your own repository and configure a pipeline with the azure-pipelines.yml file included under the eng folder.


To complete the all the steps described in this article, including the ones for writing the basic solidity smart contract you’ll need to install the following:

  • npm: You can find instructions on installing it here.
  • truffle: You can find instructions on installing it through npm here.

Creating a Simple Contract

Once all the tools are installed, create a root folder with whatever name you want and when done, run npm init and just continue with the default values when asked by the initialization process.

To make it a little bit more interesting, we will base our contract on one of OpenZepplin’s open source ERC contracts, so will need to install their contracts package locally by typing npm install @openzeppelin/contracts .

Now create an src folder, enter it and type truffle init. This will create the basic truffle smart contract project. Once complete, create a new smart contract called SimpleExample by typing truffle create contract SimpleExample.

Under the contracts folder you will now find the newly created solidity file SimpleExample.sol. We will create a contract that imports OpenZepplin’s ERC20 and ERC20Detialed, name it “Simple Example” with a symbol of “SE” and 2 decimal points. The final file should look similar to this:

Now just run truffle compile in the src folder to make sure the contract’s code is OK.

The Build Pipeline

The purpose of the pipeline will be to take the contract’s source code, compile it and create an archive file with the result. The complete list of steps are as follows:
1. npm install
2. truffle compile
3. archive compilation result
4. publish contract archive

First we will create an new eng folder under our root folder and create an empty azure-pipelines.yml file in it.
Once create, we will start our script by defining a trigger that listens to check-ins in the master branch:

Next, we will create a variable for the contract name, so we don’t need to write the name in all places, but use a variable that can be easily changed:

Then we will define the image we want to use for our build pipeline:

Now we will add our steps, the fist being npm install:

Then we will execute truffle by using npm's package execution tool, npx, inside the src folder:

After the completion, we archive the result json file:

And finally, we publish the archive as an artifact of the pipeline:

Configuring The Pipeline

Once all the code is complete and stored in our source control repository (Azure DevOps Git for the purpose of this article), we will configure the pipeline through the Azure DevOps portal.

We will start by going to Pipelines / Builds and clicking on New Pipeline:

Next we will choose Azure Repos Git:

Select the repository we are going to use:

Choose Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file as we already wrote it previously:

Choose our azure-pipelines.yml file (it should be available in the Path dropdown) and click on Continue:

Review the YAML file we selected and Run it:

Once the pipeline execution complete successfully, you will be able to download the artifact:

By selecting the zip file artifact we published:

Notice the 5 in the file name, this is due to our definition in the script to append the BuildId to the file name, so it could easier to distinguish between different versions of the compiled contract.


This pipeline can be improved even further with additional tasks that might be relevant in a smart contract’s lifecycle, such as testing the contract before archiving it and failing the pipeline if the tests fail.



Itay Podhajcer

Microsoft Azure MVP | Highly experienced software development & technology professional; consultant, architect & project manager