Meet Our Partners: KLAYDICE

Published in
May 9, 2022


The partnership between KLAYDICE and ClaimSwap is unveiled on MAY 4. We will participate as mutual governance partners to expand Klaytn ecosystem. Therefore, Claimswap is planning to move into KLAYDICE’s metaverse ecosystem — Klay Town.


KLAYDICE is a project that connects various virtual worlds (games, SNS, metaverse, etc.) to single world using NFT. Starting with the launch of the P2E version of “Dicast: Rules of Chaos,” which has 1 million downloads and 800,000 users, KLAYDICE will launch more than 10 P2E games.

Stay in Touch

We will expand the Klaytn ecosystem together with our amazing partners. Our partner list will be released soon before the service launch.

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