Pregnancy and Me: A flashback.

Author: Saidat Ibrahim
Clane Collective
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020
Photo by Ignacio Campo on Unsplash

I recently got the nudge to write original pieces. This made me think about the fact that I had always had it in me to write. I was that kid that had diaries, and even sometimes I would write lyrics to songs. Maybe I was lazy minded or maybe I was just not in the right place. But one thing is sure it is never too late to start anything. For me, it is never too late to start writing.

I was trying to declutter then I found a paper where I journaled my first pregnancy experience. (Just two pages because I never followed it through)

Straight from the piece of paper.

15th December (2013) missed my period. Suspected I was pregnant but we decided to give it 2 weeks open space before going for a P.T (Pregnancy Test) 31st of December we did the test and it was positive. Broke the news to the parents on the Ist of January 2014. What a way to start the new year Alhamdulillah.

We went for a scan on the 6th of January and “saw” the heartbeat, it was life inside me. Unbelievable and amazing. The doctor said it was 7 weeks old oppss!!! (we had not been married for 7 weeks) Later I realized they actually do not get the exact date of conceiving. It is usually calculated from the date of the last menstrual period which was 15th November 2013.

My signs and symptoms vary from day to day. Sometimes I feel pregnant other times i don’t. The symptoms include tiredness, nausea (which makes me feel terrible), headache, and cramps. The cramps are way milder than what my menstrual cramps used to be like. I am coping with it. The nausea feeling is just off. It is constipation that does not feel good at all. I would want to throw up and also use the toilet at the same time. But I mostly use the toilet (T.M.I) and then I feel brand new again.

On the 10th of January, we registered at St Nicholas hospital for ante-natal care. It is such a standard place. I met with my doctor and also did the process of scanning, some tests, and all necessary things. THE END.

This piece really made me regret not documenting the journey further. It would have been a journal to remember.

