Thank you, Early adopters!

Pranav Revankar
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2019

I spend my days helping our users navigate through the tad complex product that we are building at Clarisights. My experience over the last year has taught me that if you’re an early adopter, you are destined to encounter challenges. You might get the latest and greatest new OS on your phones before all of your friends, but there’s a good chance that the shiny new features might accidentally stop working leaving you disconnected from the world. Things will crash, capacities will be tested, bugs will surface, and sadness will occur. But if you’re lucky, the fruits of your frustration will eventually flourish into something amazing that your technophobe friends like me will crave while they spin the wheels on their rotary dial phones.

And yes, we at Clarisights are lucky to have some great early adopters, who are willing to hack, stumble and fight through early release cycles. The reality is that products during the early stages typically are lean. And by lean I mean, “it’s got some holes” (and that is still an understatement). When we launched the first version of Clarisights in October 2017, there were features missing and parts of user experiences were confusing. And yes, there were bugs, a lot of them.

Without early adopters, Clarisights might still be wandering around this first version of the dashboard. Looking back at our first versions of our product, I cringe, a happy cringe. I have an appreciation for the hard work and growth accomplished by our team but the real heroes are the users who followed us through, the sometimes frustrating roller-coaster ride of developing a startup.

First version — October 2017

But thanks to our early adopters, we’ve been able to find and fix a lot of bugs in a very short period of time. We have also improved the UX and added a bunch of features that make data exploration super-easy on Clarisights. In this process, we also rebranded ourselves from AdWyze to Clarisights (our founder, Arun wrote on our new identity).

Clarisights in October 2018

The first set of Clarisights’ customers will always have a special place in my heart. I’ve spent the majority of my waking (and sometimes dreaming) hours ensuring that they are having a pleasant experience on Clarisights. Believe it or not, it’s no simple task to build a cross-platform reporting platform that automatically fetches millions of data points from different sources and collates them onto a simple and intuitive dashboard. But that’s what we’re doing well today, thanks in large part to the powerful feedback we received from early adopters. And we’re going to get even better.

Their patience through the hiccups — and let’s be honest, some of the hiccups may have felt like head-smashed-on-the-keyboard moments of omg-why-didn’t-we-realize-that — means a lot to us. And while our users have been ever-so-patient, we’ve worked hard to improve every aspect of their experience on Clarisights.

And this isn’t lip service. We’re a small but growing team with huge ambition and long to-do lists. We’re moving fast, trying new things, and thriving on the goal of democratizing data for the marketing teams. But one thing that won’t ever change is how much we love and appreciate our customers.

This article was originally posted on the Clarisights.



Pranav Revankar

Live and Breathe Product | Customer Experience and Growth