5 women-driven technologies helping the world’s health

Clarity Team
Clarity Movement
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2019
© C40/Sarah Bastin

Excerpt from article originally published on Landscape News by Sandra Gordon.

Human health in buildings: Improving building efficiency to meet climate goals is vital, but human health — mental, emotional and physical — must also be part of planning structures and urban environments. That’s the idea behind Clarity Movement Co., a clean-tech start-up that creates hardware and software technologies for better monitoring of the air quality in and around buildings. “How we design our neighborhoods and cities can greatly influence our behaviors, social interactions and general well-being,” says Meiling Gao, who joined the initiative after it was founded and now serves as chief operating officer. “I’d like to see how we can both achieve our energy goals while making sure we are providing clean indoor environments for people.” On her role as a woman in the company, Gao is ready with advice for young women aspiring toward a similar position as hers: “Take ownership of the value you bring to the table, as both a woman and an equal to your colleagues. There are many great examples of badass women out there changing the world… don’t be afraid of failure. Making mistakes is part of the process, but don’t forget to learn from them.”

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