Clarity OpenMap

Clarity Team
Clarity Movement
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2018
Bay Area Demo Network on Clarity OpenMap

Clarity OpenMap ( is a global network of open access air monitoring points to improve citizen engagement and community action.

Click here to go to Clarity OpenMap.

Viewing Local Air Quality Data

1. View your local air pollution at

2. Zoom in/out to find the Clarity Node(s) of interest.

3. Clicking on the Node(s) of interest will open a Card displaying a range of specific pollutants including PM2.5 , AQI, temperature, and humidity. More pollutants will be added to the Card as they become available.

4. Click “Show in Plot” on the Card to view a visual visualization of the air quality data for location comparison or tracking change over time. This will open a plot with the air quality data of the selected Node. Once the plot dashboard is open, you are able to select pollutant type, toggle between different timeline views, or add other Nodes for air quality comparisons.

5. You can use the data from Clarity OpenMap to do the following:
• Understand your local pollution exposure
• Share air pollution information with family and friends
• Provide data for citizen science projects
• Engage youth with environmental education projects

London Demo Network with Air Quality Details and Plot on Clarity OpenMap.

How are you using the data? Let us know at

Our Vision

Everyone has the right to breathe clean air. At Clarity, we leverage our expertise in air sensing technology, IoT devices, and data analytics to create solutions that revolutionize the way we understand and respond to air pollution. Founded in 2014, we are now deploying the next generation of dense air quality monitoring networks around the world to build smarter cities through smarter data.

Interested in our solution? Need help using Clarity OpenMap? Contact us here.

