Clarity- Recipe for Speed in Life and Destiny

Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
8 min readJul 28, 2018

As a way of introduction

More people will go through and eventually exit this life without a clear understanding of the part they were truly meant to play while on Earth.

More people will get to discover the “missing link” much later as they go through life (if at all) for which it may be too late.

More people will live their lives in absolute misery because of ignorance and unwillingness to seek knowledge, find wisdom or get understanding.

More people will remain unknown for the solutions they would have been able to provide, which means they would pass into oblivion without leaving any mark in the sands of time.

More people would remain YES people for the fear of being criticized by others and standing firm to their convictions.

More people may never know what it looks like; up there at the top which would further substantiate the belief that recognizes only fewer persons at the top.

Unfortunately, more people will never know, understand of get the feeling of what it means to be relevant in their generation.

Let’s get some facts right!

Contrary to what some people may think, no human being came into this world for the purpose of only getting statistically registered with the country which such a person is a resident of.

We are all meant to be and stay active in the various degrees of our assignments while still on earth.

Our lives are truly a bundle of stories to be told.

Negative circumstances can become a motivation to make something tangible out of our existence.

We are only limited by those limiting beliefs present on the inside of us.

What a Recipe does…

Ever tasted the food of a great chef you know? If you were curious enough to find out how that delicious food was made, there is every likely hood that his or her response will explain that the food was prepared by following a special recipe!

A recipe is therefore instrumental to achieving an expected result which could be described as the purpose.

This would lead us to the definition of recipe being a set of instructions used for preparing and producing a certain food, dish, drink or even drugs. The purpose of a recipe is to have a precise record of the ingredients used, the amounts needed, and the way they are combined.

The Implication

If you are clear enough to understand why you are to become what was originally designed for your life (before God formed you), you will get deliberate about undergoing the necessary preparations that will eventually enable you become what you are meant to be.

Let me clearly state that, considering the twists and turns that comes with being made; you should be rest assured that the journey would come with its own unique challenges.

The demands of clarity

I shared a write-up some time ago across my social media platforms about how I looked back at my life, realizing how much of vagueness I had struggled with for years.

In the next paragraph I will share with you the decisions I made to get really clear, these decisions will also form the basis of our emphasis on the demands of clarity.

Clarity demands that you get really clear about the message you intend to pass across to others, the intentions of your heart, the expected results you intend to produce and what you stand for (inner convictions).

What really is the difference between life and destiny?

Indeed life can be described as that which happens to you. Destiny on the other hand can be understood as what you accept as your life.

This does not take away the fact that more people accept that which is far below the standard with which their lives was originally designed for. I give you an instance with my life, during my childhood years I dreamt of being a great woman who would do exploits that would most impact my generation positively.

But as I grew past my teenage years, the message communicated to me by my environment was typical of some of the mediocre societal expectations for a young girl. It gradually felt like all that was required of me was to be as good as possible, understand what it was to be truly domesticated and be hopeful that a good man comes along to ask for my hand in marriage.

However, this did not take away the fact that I nurtured some deep yearnings in my heart to be and do more with my life while single and even after I was finally married. To make matters worse, my life was entangled in the web of timidity and passivity. I hope to share more details of this part of my story in my subsequent publications.

Why activating the law of clarity can speed up your life and destiny

The crux of the matter is that; should I not have risen to the occasion of holding up courage and fear on both hands in addition to taking that leap of faith, I truly would have allowed life to happen to me up until this time and guess what?

You my reader would not have been reading up on this and future messages which I hope to pass across to you.

There are certain stages you may need to deliberately pass through which can enable you effectively activate the law of clarity. I will mention three (3) of such stages that resonates deeply with my convictions.

Note: The application of wisdom is very crucial while passing through these stages and even thereafter.

1. Ask

I got to a point in my life where, although I was passionate about the activities I had been engaged in; I became very desperate to get really sure that I was actually threading the right path. I wanted to get to that point where I could confidently affirm that despite the odds and storms, I was not wasting my life!

As you would expect, I sought direction from God to understand better but contrary to what I expected; I still recorded long periods of silence (from God) while in that desperate state, It was unbelievable!

My point is; for the fact that we were desperate enough to turn to the Creator of the universe (God) for the purpose of seeking clarity doesn’t mean that He will appear in the Clouds; in His Glory and provide an answer to us without any further delays.

And if you are at that “Asking” stage, I want to tell you that you are just where you are meant to be as it is. Keep asking; also go as far as thanking Him for providing the answers you seek even when you are yet to see the physical evidence.

2. Wait

The period of waiting could painfully seem like an exhaustive process having no end but trust me; you will look back afterwards and realize that it was shorter than you must have thought then.

Let me mention that the waiting period does not in any way mean that you are required to sit around without doing anything, NO!

What I mean by this is that, going back to the drawing board to re-strategize to the best of your ability, reading up, getting empowering information,

catching up on old times with those you may have either lost touch with or are familiar with can be considered a fruitful attempt which could even lead you to the next stage, if you are not into any engaging activity yet.

1. Take action as you get subtle instructions which will serve as a compass for direction

This next stage requires that you begin to take certain steps which may be unclear at the beginning. However, those moves you make which may seem to come from your instincts will become the foundation upon which your road to achieving the much needed clarity, to speed up your life and destiny can be said to have taken off.

For the purpose of emphasis I will repeat that the much anticipated purposeful journey is going to be filled with so many twists and turns, this is because you will not totally get the full picture from the very beginning.

It is therefore of utmost importance that you keep on moving, appreciating the feedback you get, learning lessons from mistakes made and staying motivated from your inside.

Final words

The concept of speed can become a very valuable resource to those who make conscious efforts towards practicing certain timeless and proven universal principles.

The practice of these principles becomes the magnet that attracts all the benefits associated with speed in a person’s life and destiny.

The Man behind the scene

Shortly after posting that write-up on my social media platforms including Facebook, , someone I greatly respect and consider my Friend, Mentor and Boss commented on that post, with the suggestion that I write a more comprehensive article attaching a clear tittle to it which is amazingly: “Clarity — Recipe For Speed in Life and Destiny.”

I applauded his idea with the full acceptance to give him the credit after putting it together.

Today I fulfill my promise to you Nicholas Ojonugwa Alifa. Thank you for being such an uncommon inspiration to me. No doubt that getting to meet and know you was pre-destined.

You are greatly valued and appreciated.


Tracy Yekaghe.



Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.