Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

I remember taking computer classes some couple of years back and in a bid to encourage us to ask questions, My computer instructor (Uncle Kenny as he was popularly called) never stopped to remind us about the Chinese proverb which stated that:

“He who asks questions remains a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask questions remains a fool forever.”

This statement above did have a way of pushing me to ASK; as 5 minutes was cool enough to actually feel and get done with being a fool.

But hey! This was not so in the beginning…

What I meant was that I was always on inquiry mode during my childhood years that virtually everyone around me had to do all they could to shut me up (yes, it was that intense) especially when they got tired; I would simply be advised to go read Law when I got to the university so I become a Lawyer!

I got so used to such responses that I finally began to grow SILENT; anyways, we would leave that story for another day.

Questions from my view can be likened to that of an experiment; experiment because it is either you are about to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.

We leave in a world that discourages further attempts to raise very strong “Why” questions and so more people around the world especially large numbers of Africans have found solace in just letting the status quo remain in other not to begin “shaking tables.”

Or what other ways did purpose driven individuals began their purposeful paths if they had not raised certain questions here and there?

Are you trying to tell me that some of the fully developed and emerging countries of the world that have been and are beginning to set the pace for other nations to follow politically raised no questions?

What about those nations of the world whose economies are doing well?

Enough said!

Some of the things that raising or asking a question does is:

1. The assistance it gives to clarifying our thoughts.

2. It becomes a conversation starter.

3. It could demonstrate the interest you have got in other people or things.

4. Reduces our tendencies to assume; which is considered the lowest level of knowledge.

5. Greatly improves our knowledge and increases our ability to understand.

6. Increases trust and sharpens our communication skills.

There’s more but I will stop here.

If you are yet to get into that mode of inquiry, then it is high time.

If you have but it is still yet to be heard, you can go some steps
further to ask it out loud (even if it is to yourself).

If you have already began raising questions then congratulations! That is just the beginning.

If you have already formed the habit of asking questions then keep on with it, shake more tables if necessary but don’t stop asking questions, don’t!

So; what questions have you even bothered to ask about lately?



Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.