Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

The statement above is just one of the many points I carefully explained in great detail in my soon to be published book; that tells you “WHY” and also walks you through the process of building an email list in a very short time for FREE (anticipate!).

I have heard and read very bad stories about how certain persons got raped, killed, kidnapped or even felt deceived because they scheduled a physical meet up with that chat mate, Facebook friend, Instagram follower, etc. which they only got to know through social media.

And guess what?

I usually don’t feel surprised by such negative stories because it was possible that one or both parties were either moved by just appearances such as pictures (maybe nude or less), wealth display and other shallow reasons.

However, have you noticed that people who schedule physical meet ups with others (as a result of being on this same platforms) just because of shared values that triggered processes of unlearning, learning and relearning do not even consider physical looks when they meet?

All that comes to the mind during such times of physical connections is the joy and valuable memories he or she must have put you through as a result of the quality of his/her content on social media.

On a more personal note, I have gotten real value just for being on social media platforms; some parts of my mindset have been positively re-adjusted and I don’t stop learning each time I login; this means that meeting up with this same quality of value givers either at events or by schedule will definitely do me more good than harm.

The social media space has got its many disadvantages nonetheless, I dare you to turn the tables around and re-position yourself to only give and gain value for your time here.
It will be worth the while, I know!

Deep appreciation to everyone I have and am still learning from thus far.

Have you started? Yes you, Have you?



Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.