Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019

It had been quite some time now, there were instructions that needed my compliance, recommended books I was to buy and read, quarterly progress reports to submit to ascertain the level of implementation for my goals.

Yes! I was willing to go through all of the above more than 2 years ago (how time flies right?) in other to experience a significant quality of improvement in certain areas of my life.

“You my Mentee are a thought leader.”

Was his response to me when I informed him via Facebook messenger that I had summoned the courage to represent my group during a presentation where I was literally the youngest of them all;

I did get INVOLVED in a Mentor/Mentee relationship which was going to contribute a great deal to my transformation process.

And guess what?

I did EVOLVE and still doing so up until this moment; and that was not all because I was also exposed to amazing life transforming opportunities and people I never would have ever gotten to know till the end of my days.

There is more but I won’t exhaust them here.

My point is:
You cannot afford to begin or continue that journey solely on your own terms without someone, a support group or system that can hold you accountable to some of your actions…

Need I ask any further?



Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.