Lessons of Resilience- Analogy of the Farmer and the Farm

Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
5 min readJul 29, 2018

It may look like the actual plant is still yet to be visible, but you are taking roots downwards.

It may look like the plants have started to wither, but the crops which have grown underground are already fully grown and waiting for harvest.

There seemed to be some errors of a premature takeout of the seeds (by predators) growing underground, but an intentional seed replant will certainly cover for the earlier loss incurred.

Alas, you have finally carried out the harvest; including all other operations and gained value for your hard work.

But not so fast! Don’t leave that land lying fallow…

It is time to sow again.

Sow as much seeds as you can

Maximize your reaping potentials!

Don’t stop sowing.

A real look at Resilience

I am in total agreement with the definition that describes resilience as “the strength to navigate tough situations, adapt, and function at a high level.”

Many a times, we are faced with certain unfavorable circumstances (during the different seasons of our lives) which may seem very overwhelming if we have not risen to the occasion of developing the staying power to pull through, should such circumstances linger longer than necessary.

I am of the opinion that during such times, where we stay our minds is very crucial and also forms the pillar through which we can overcome and come out “intact.”

The three pillars through which a resilient nature can be expressed

For the context of this article, I will be dwelling on three (3) key pillars which are Relationships, Personal living and Business.

1. Relationships

Be as it may, virtually all relationships are at risk of going through difficulties of diverse nature. It is here by safe to mention the fact that, although there exist the “Intra-personal relationships which focuses on the particular individual and the relationship, he or she has with his or herself;

My focus is on the relationships that exist between two or more people.

It is important to note that, it is actually from relationships that networks of people in general are being built, diverse skills and talents are being horned and behavioral patterns that depict character are being fully expressed and understood in totality.

To support what I earlier noted, relationships are not destined to constantly remain a smooth sail. However, we can become deliberate about the quality of our responses to every feedback we get which could be negative in some cases as we relate with others; in either close or long distance relationships.

Ways to act and stay deliberate includes

· Be fully present emotionally during the course of relating with that particular person or people involved.

· Listen to the other party with the motive to understand rather than be on the defensive.

· Throw questions to the other party in ways that would likely empower and positively drive the conversation.

· Never say never!

· Silence is golden and a great tool to draw from while seeking wisdom to handle unpleasant scenarios; to avoid reactions that may be later described as foolishness.

2. Personal living

​​Conflicts and diverse degrees of struggles are great determinants of the evidence of resilience we project; both internally and externally.

There is this saying that if you have never experienced challenges in your life, you don’t know how strong you can be. And I say absolutely!

In the month of July 2017, I was sent a letter of release via email from the organization I was involved with at that time. Prior to that time, I was already making strong efforts to develop and build myself mentally as well as spiritually.

That spiritual part from my perspective can be even considered the most important; Yes, I sensed spiritually that something was not right and unconsciously I kept searching for what else I was required to do with my life (this was between May-June, 2017).

As much as the letter of release still came unexpectedly, I was spiritual enough to sense again that I had stepped into another new phase of my life. With this understanding, I set out to go search for places where I could learn digital skills to be better equipped in this technologically advanced world.

I will talk more about this in subsequent articles. However, I can boldly say that it has contributed a great deal to where I am today in addition to my God-given abilities or potentials.

3. Business

The world of business can be really tough for both the employee and the employer. It is very important to note that, the business world in this era also referred to as the knowledge economy; this economy is considered the “4th economy” and is faced with the harsh reality of constant disruption in every known sector.

Resilience in business can be therefore described as the ability an organization has to quickly adapt to disruptions while maintaining continuous business operations and safeguarding people, assets and overall brand equity.

This definition can become difficult to effectively maintain should incidences of crises, which may be financial in some cases, come to bear.

However, it is worthy to note that though resilience cannot be measured, nonetheless some people possess the capacity to be more resilient than others.

By implication, staying through to your resilient nature can also imply that you could record a series of losses while staying on that challenge before finally coming out.

Some of the key skills to live by during such times includes but are not limited to

· Mental toughness

· A positive mental attitude

· Gratitude

· Unwavering faith

· Staying alert to empowering Ideas that could displace the negative status quo

· Profitable actions such as taking initiative that could create shared value.

Final Words

As much as resilience has everything to do with holding on and pushing through boundaries despite adversities, how far our eyes (envision ) can see during such seasons is very crucial to the anticipated victory we are likely to experience, should we be triumphant enough to overcome.

Don’t be afraid to stretch out during such times as this will most certainly bring out the precious in you, and transform your life to become “more than a conqueror.”

See you at the other side,

Tracy Yekaghe.



Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.