Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2018

What happens in situations where clues can only suggest theories without substance to prove them? In such cases, something else would be needed to serve as evidence.

Indeed we could get to find out about things we originally did not know just by following clues but my question is what happens when such clues are only present in your imagination and can only be related with after it becomes a reality?

It is no longer news that virtually all success stories which include yours will no doubt follow the familiar three step pattern of dream, struggle, and then success?

My answer: Not necessarily

But why?

For the fact that those who dream commit to working at it does not mean that they will become successful automatically. Before I began writing this piece, my mind kept going back to the scripture in the bible which explained that:

The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. Ecclesiastes 10:15 (KJV)

Stay with me…

From the above scripture it is very evident that it is not the wise alone that make concerted efforts to work on their dreams or future expectations; not to mention that the fool has no prior knowledge of the “why” although the “how” in this context is the difference maker.


Robert Kiyosaki is popularly known with the analogy- Rich Dad Poor Dad; which is certainly not without a story behind it. There currently exist countless authors who became bestselling authors at the instance of releasing their first book which sold in millions!

However there exist a lot more underground authors (if I may) who have published countless books still yet to be known to many people in various parts of the world. And yes! R. Kiyosaki wrote his first book believing that he had a message to the world but wait a sec!

Every single publishing house he approached turned his project down why?

Answer: They had no clue his book could ever become a bestseller in time to come.

The juicy part was that he got an opportunity to be on the Oprah show after he and his wife self-published some copies of same book and the rest is history because his interview with Oprah turned out to be his kairos moment.

Oprah Winfrey

Her story has it that she was born into rural poverty and other difficulties she went through while growing up. As a way of validating the tittle of this piece, TIME magazine wrote:

“Few people would have bet on Oprah Winfrey’s swift rise to host of the most popular talk show on TV. In a field dominated by white male……”

Believe me when I tell you that even Oprah Winfrey’s success was unpredictable at the initial start of her career not to mention countless other young ladies who were also doing all they could during her time to excel in their different careers.

Joyce Meyer

The sum of her experiences can be described as a great deal of turmoil during her early life but she rose above them all to build one of the world’s largest Christian ministries in the world. It is evident that her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration in Jesus Christ.

Guess what, there are even more young girls turned women as I speak who have gone through or are currently going through worst experiences; does this mean that they will end up successful?

My answer: Not necessarily

I could go on and on about people who just like Joseph in the bible dreamed dreams, went through great struggles but not anywhere close to achieving those dreams and may never do (for those who are still alive).

This in no way implies that we shouldn’t dream, have a vision for our lives and work towards it, No!

Another look at this scripture:

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11 (KJV)

Final words

Time and chance are indeed major factors that will present themselves at certain moments. It is therefore our responsibility know who we are, what we want and be sensitive enough to identify and seize such moments (opportunities) in real time. Let it also be clear that such moments could also present themselves as challenges in some cases.

I also have to note here that the place of preparation and knowledge seeking cannot be emphasized enough so that the eventual information on “how to enter the city” does not elude you.

And yes, SUCCESS LEAVES NO CLUES because the deeper the commitment to succeed, the crazier it would seem to the outside world!

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Tracy Yekaghe
The Journey

I teach talented & skilled people including start-up entrepreneurs on how to create & sustain profitable systems they can earn from online, aside the impact.