🙋🏼‍♂️ Your opinion is needed! How to validate Product-Market fit at early stages?

Max Zhiltsov
Clarity Supply Co
2 min readJul 5, 2023


A recent couple of years shows a significant decline in venture markets — VC funding fell 35% from 2021, according to Crunchbase. At the same time, blue-chip companies are cutting staff like crazy. The soonest possible validation of product ideas becomes even more vital in securing the chances to receive funding or stay interesting to investors.

In our recent post on Medium, we write about the problem of finding and validating Product-Market fit based on our own experience and conversations with our customers and colleagues.

Read the post.

We’d love to ask for your opinion and experience — how do you approach validating Product-Market fit at an early stage of a startup or new products in your organization?

  1. How do you approach the PMF concept?
  2. What key methods do you use for your product offering validation at its earliest stages?
  3. What are the measures or metrics of Product-Market fit you find most important?

Please write to max @ claritysupply.co If you’re up to sharing thoughts — we will feature some of the answers in our next publication.


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Max Zhiltsov
Clarity Supply Co

Photography enthusiast, Product & Marketing strategist. Founder of ThePhooks.com & mnngful.com. Partner at ClaritySupply.co