Clarity Supply Co. Cut The Distance to Growth

Discovery, Research & Development team helping products to obtain clarity on how their businesses work and evolve.

Clarity Supply Co
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2021


We support teams in taking informed decisions on Product Development, Brand, Comms & Growth strategies via all-around research.

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In December last year, two men started working towards the idea of how to turn their product research and strategy expertise into a scalable service.They have clearly realized that their skills and knowledge cost much more than they are able to earn while being employed in organizations.

The two had 20 years of total experience in product management, brand and communications strategy, full-funnel marketing in b2c and b2b fields, from agencies and inhouse sides, at small startups and huge corps, in IT, FMCG, telecom, offline, web and mobile, fin-tech and in other fields.

Both were driven by the same values. Whatever they do for the clients, it should deliver practical value right away, be free of excessive theory or abstractions, fit into current situations and workflows at the company and cut the cost and time to market for the solutions.

That period was the worst for humankind with the third waver of COVID hitting countries around the globe, but it also was the best situation for the change. Both were stepping into personal practice, working remotely and looking for ways how to keep going towards independent practice despite the circumstances.

Clarity Supply Co. was born

Since then Max Zhiltsov and Ivan Davydenko are leading the “cloud team” focused on Product Research and Development.

Being targeted at quality rather than quantity, the team of two has successfully onboarded a prominent Russian banking provider for the full-cycle Go-to-Market project that consisted of an all-around Customer Development program for a new Bank-as-a-Service product and its soft-launch.

Thanks to the client’s trust and persistent collaborative work, this project has become a real-life testing ground for all the concepts and workflows the team was developing through the years.

The biggest sign of quality was the request to run a series of workshops on how to work with information within complex research programs for internal teams and other external suppliers.

Right now Clarity Supply Co is working with a set of other local and global clients as an external, but deeply embedded team.

The first steps are the toughest and most exciting at the same time. Stay tuned for the updates.



Clarity Supply Co

Photography enthusiast, Product & Marketing strategist. Founder of & Partner at