Message to Our Friends in Kenya from the Caribbean Federation from Below / Ujumbe kwa Marafiki Wetu nchini Kenya kutoka Shirikisho la Karibea kutoka Hapa chini

Clash! Collective
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2024

[Scroll down for statement in English]

Bunge zote zichome moto. Hawawezi kamwe kujali au kuwakilisha wafanya kazi wanaojielekeza wenyewe. Tunatoa salamu za ujasiri wa wale waliokufa, waliojeruhiwa, na ambao walipigana kuweka wazi hili.

Hatuishi katika zama za kurudi nyuma ambapo silika za kidemokrasia za waasi waadilifu zimekufa miongoni mwa watu wa kila siku. Uasi wa Nairobi, Kenya ambapo bunge limechomwa moto na maelfu ya waandamanaji ni wa kutia moyo.

Uasi jijini Nairobi, Kenya ambapo bunge limechomwa moto na maelfu ya waandamanaji wamekalia kiti rasmi cha mamlaka.

Katika kupinga mswada wa ushuru wanaoshikilia kwa dharau na kwa hila jukumu la Kenya katika uvamizi wa Haiti, kama ilivyofadhiliwa na Marekani na Umoja wa Mataifa, uasi huu unafichua mambo mengi kwa watu wa kila siku katika Karibiani.

Mijadala ya bei nafuu ya Pan African na Pan Caribbean kuhusu jamii ambayo inahusishwa tu na wasomi walaghai (na watawala “wenye nia njema”) ambao kwa hakika ni marafiki wa himaya lazima ifichuliwe na kukabiliwa nayo.

Umoja wa Mataifa (U.N.) na sheria za kimataifa na taasisi zake zinazozungumzia “haki za binadamu” na “maendeleo” yanayofunika pango la wezi lazima zitupiliwe mbali kama kipimo cha uanaharakati. Haikuwakomboa Ethiopia na Kongo hapo awali na haitaikomboa Haiti na Palestina leo. Kenya na Karibiani lazima zitoke kwenye mtandao huu uliochanganyikiwa.

Ni lazima tukatae himaya ya Marekani. Lazima tuone nyuma ya himaya ya hatua ya uthibitisho na hali ya polisi ya wingi wa kikabila. Sio mfano wa uhuru bali unyonge wa mwisho. Lazima sote tufanye upya na kufikiria upya mapambano dhidi ya ubaguzi wa rangi na tabaka la watu weusi wa kisiasa. Mtu yeyote anayefadhiliwa na himaya na NGOs zake, zinazoendelea au za kihafidhina, si washauri wa kutegemewa kuhusu nani “anapotosha.”

Tunataka watu halisi kwa watu sera ya kigeni. Sio serikali kwa serikali au serikali kwa wanaharakati feki wanaojiuza kwa mzabuni wa juu zaidi.

Ni katika uchambuzi wa mapambano ya baada ya ukoloni ambapo serikali zinazoongozwa na watu wa rangi zinaweza kuchomwa moto.

Shirikisho la Karibi kutoka chini liko kwenye kiinitete. Lakini CARICOM, mkusanyo huo wa majimbo na watawala ni ulaghai unaofadhiliwa na kufadhiliwa na Marekani na nchi za Ulaya. Wafanyakazi na wasio na ajira wataunganisha Caribbean kabla ya matajiri na wenye nguvu.

Hatuwezi kuruhusu wanyonyaji kunasa jina, taswira na mwonekano wetu. Hili linaweza tu kushinda kwa mawazo ya kisiasa yaliyolenga zaidi na hatua ambayo hututenganisha na kundi. Si wafugaji bali kundi.

Serikali za CARICOM zinaogopa kile tunachoshangilia. Wao, pamoja na serikali ya Biden na Ruto, wanataka kukandamiza nguvu za ukombozi.

Watu wa Kenya na Karibiani, (sio wasomi, wataalamu, na maafisa wanaosimamia maskini) wanaelewa kuwa tuna mapambano sawa.

Tunataka watu wa kweli kwa watu sera ya kigeni. Sio serikali kwa serikali au serikali kwa wanaharakati feki wanaojiuza kwa mzabuni wa juu zaidi.

Hatuwezi kuruhusu wanyonyaji kunasa jina, taswira na sura yetu. Hii inaweza tu kufanywa na mawazo sahihi zaidi ya kisiasa na hatua ambayo inatutenganisha na kundi. Si wafugaji bali kundi. Wafanyakazi na wasio na ajira wataunganisha kanda kabla ya matajiri na wenye nguvu.

Lazima tuelewe kwa nini mabunge yanachomwa moto leo na kesho. Hawawezi kuwakilisha uwezo wa watu wa kawaida kujitawala.

Message to Our Friends in Kenya from the Caribbean Federation from Below

Let all parliaments burn. They can never care about or represent self-directed workers. We salute the courage of those who died, were wounded, and who fought to make this clear.

We do not live in a retrograde age where the democratic instincts of righteous rebels have died out among everyday people. The rebellion in Nairobi, Kenya where parliament has been set on fire and thousands of protesters have occupied the official seat of power, both in protest of a finance bill they hold in contempt and more subtly Kenya’s role in the invasion of Haiti, as sponsored by the United States and United Nations reveals many things to everyday people in the Caribbean.

The cheap Pan African and Pan Caribbean debates about society that are associated only with fraudulent elites (and “well-intentioned” rulers) who are actually friends of empire must be exposed and confronted.

The United Nations and international law and its institutions that speak of “human rights” and “development” covering the den of thieves must be discarded as a measure of activism. It did not liberate Ethiopia and Congo before and it will not liberate Haiti and Palestine today. Kenya and the Caribbean must get out of this tangled web.

We must reject the American empire. We must see behind the creolized empire and the ethnically plural police states in Africa and the Caribbean today. It is not the epitome of freedom but the ultimate humiliation. We must all renew and rethink the struggle against racism and the black political class. Whoever is funded by the empire, progressives or conservatives, are not reliable advisors on who are “misleaders.”

The United Nations and international law and its institutions talking human rights and development covering up a den of thieves must be discarded as a measure of activism.

Caribbean toilers and commoners (CARICOM, the lackey of American empire will not) salute those who have been injured, those who died, and those who had courage and took the risk to renew the struggle against the state and capital in the post-colonial era.

Only in a post-colonial analysis of struggle can governments led by people of color be burned. Many talk self-determination and autonomy but will collaborate with empire to sustain any fragment of power for themselves. Those who project ideas must begin to catch up with mass democratic instincts.

The Caribbean has known insurgent risings that confront and burn parliaments. It is time we renew these battles alert to the deeper content of our struggles. While no Caribbean governments will salute the fight of Kenya’s ordinary people, a handful of activists will salute the Kenya rebellion. But these individuals and small groups in the Caribbean are not decisive. What is at issue is the recognition that insurgent rebellion is not simply to confront those who rule above society today so some parties can assert themselves as the rulers above tomorrow.

Parliament, like a republic, by definition is elite representativbe government, minority rule. In order to have democracy (majority rule) we must oppose the minority who rules above society. This is how Kenya, Haiti, and the Caribbean have the same fight ahead.

The Caribbean federation from below is embyronic but CARICOM funded by the United States and European imperialists is a fraud that cannot speak for the self-directed, self-emancipating Caribbean.

CARICOM governments fear what we cheer for. They, together with the government of Biden and Ruto, want to suppress the forces of liberation

We want a real people to people foreign policy. Not government to government or government to fake activists selling themselves to the highest bidder.

We cannot let exploiters capture our name, image, and likeness. This can only be pursued by more precise political thought and action that separates us from the herd. Not the herdsmen but the herd. The workers and unemployed will unite the region before the rich and powerful.

We must understand why parliaments are being burned today and tomorrow. They cannot represent the power of ordinary people to govern themselves.



Clash! Collective
Editor for

Clash! is a collective of advocates for Caribbean unity and federation from below.