“Soylent might be a great weapon in the war on poor people”

Jess Brooks
Class Conscious
Published in
1 min readJun 19, 2016

“Rhinehart has mentioned in interviews that he envisions Soylent doing everything from aiding developing nations to cutting healthcare costs. He seems to have good intentions, but I’m worried about some enterprising American fascist catching wind of this product, and using it as another talking point in their crusade against poor people. This might sound a bit extreme, but really, it would be the logical extension of a popular political trend. Wisconsin Republicans, for example, have already tried to limit poor families’ ability to buy outrageous luxuries such as seasonings, ketchup, and dried beans…

Expecting a shiny new technology (even if it comes in the form of a dull beige powder) to fix a societal problem is not only naïve, it’s historically unrealistic.

(Example: the Wright Brothers thought the airplane they invented would end warfare. That didn’t work out too well.)”

Mmmmmmm, reall.



Jess Brooks
Class Conscious

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.