3 Tips to Differentiate Learning over Zoom

Alondra Albarran
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


As a teacher, you probably never anticipated that teaching via Zoom would be the norm and that you wouldn’t see your students in class anymore. Like most teachers, you likely never considered the possibility that you would be doing everything a whole lot differently because of a global pandemic.

Zoom Classes have become the New Norm:

With the sudden shift away from the classroom, Zoom has become a great tool for distance learning. Zoom has helped teachers all over the world to better engage and collaborate with their students through impactful virtual experiences. It has also expanded access to education by supporting remote and hybrid learning environments.

No matter where education takes place, improving learning experiences and enhancing student engagement have always been a teacher’s number one priority.

However, it is a Challenge to Differentiate Learning Over Zoom:

Differentiated learning, also known as differentiated instruction, is a teaching philosophy that considers the needs of all students by providing them with a range of understanding of new information, even if they’re in the same (virtual) classroom.

For teachers, differentiated learning is based on individual student needs and is the key to success in the virtual classroom. The chances are, not all of your students grasp a subject in the same way or share the same level of ability.

Here are 3 Tips to Help You:

Differentiation has furnished itself well into the online world. Online learning already addresses a differentiated learning environment, therefore, online differentiation should focus on the understanding of the key pillars of differentiation: Content, Process, and Product. Focusing on these key pillars guarantees to help you improve differentiating your lessons with the “new normal”.

  1. Differentiating content: Consists of the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students need to learn based on the curriculum. Includes using different materials, teaching tools, and various delivery formats, such as videos, readings, and worksheets, that reach every student in the classroom.
  2. Differentiating Processes: How the activities progress student understanding, which creates an opportunity for teachers to monitor their students’ progress and foster interaction between the understanding level of the students and the teacher’s lesson plan.
  3. Differentiating Product: Known to be the most common and easy method of differentiation. The product ranges in complexity to regulate to a respectful level for each student. When products are clearly aligned to learning targets, students’ voices and choices flourish while ensuring that significant content is addressed.

Class Planit can Help:

With this new method of learning, Class Planit has taken the benefits of online learning further by better providing for distance and hybrid learning modalities. We have developed a lesson planning tool where lessons are anchored by a series of digital activities, resources, and assessments. The assessment series is assigned directly to students by showcasing their progress, resulting in an authentic interaction between the understanding level of the students and the teacher’s lesson plan.

Differentiating Learning in a virtual classroom requires the use of a variety of materials and teaching tools. With the help of AI and data-driven instruction, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, we have created an incredible platform where you(teachers) can design smart activities for groups of students that cover various individual learning styles and a blend of learning tools.

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