What’s your name?

Antonio Mele
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2018
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I did attend the graduation ceremony for the School of Economics students at the University of Surrey. It is always a nice moment for everybody involved, and a time in which our students celebrate and plan for the future.

Usually the graduation speech is delivered by some big names, but my university decided to give one of our graduating students the opportunity to address its fellows and their families. This year, we had Mutale Chewe (check her out, she is really good) delivering a very nice speech.

What really did strike a chord for me is what she said about my colleagues. When she arrived at the university, she was probably under the impression that she is just a number. She lost that impression when my colleague Alex Mandilaras asked her name before answering her questions.

All her speech is worth reading, since it is a nice reflection on how we do things at the School of Economics. Here it is:

Pro-Chancellor, Provost, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and fellow graduates,

Firstly let me congratulate my fellow graduates. Well done, Class of 2018!

When I was first asked to deliver this speech, I was a bit reluctant as I could not imagine myself speaking in front of over 850 people. But — I said Yes, because it reminds me of all the times here at Surrey when I was nervous, or lacked courage, or did not feel ‘ready’. I have realised here that it is important to make the most out of every situation, no matter how uncomfortable, and use it as an opportunity to grow.

I am an international student and the day I arrived in the UK, my mum and I were warmly greeted by the international student support team, who brought us to Guildford. Whether we moved from London, Nicosia, Delhi, Beijing, Harare, Lagos, or indeed anywhere else, coming to University was a bold decision for all of us. However, I believe that the University of Surrey has created such a vibrant and welcoming environment for all of us to thrive in, regardless of where we come from.

I remember when I first went to Dr. Alex Mandilaras office hours, ready to fire off my questions and get some quick answers. But before I could finish speaking, he stopped me and asked my name. It meant a lot to me that one of my lecturers would take the time to establish a friendly personal connection with me. You see, I was never one of those students who knew exactly what they want to do, planning out their careers in first year. However, it was with the help of the approachable staff, especially Dr. Dimitra Petropoulou, that I was able to get a much clearer picture of what my next steps would be.

But I think I have learnt the most from my wonderful friends here at Surrey. Through study sessions, group chats, lectures and of course all-nighters in the library– we have grown and laughed together. I stand here with so much pride because I am in a room full of amazingly talented individuals. These range from soon to be investment bankers, policy advisors, consultants, researchers, auditors and much, much more. I am so grateful to have met so many brilliant people here at Surrey who will continue to shine on even in the professional world. Some of us are still trying to figure out what’s next, and that’s all right — we will keep on striving because we have learnt that failure and determination are part of the process of finding out our passion and true purpose.

In closing, I would like to thank God for sustaining me this far, my parents for sponsoring my education in love, and my amazing family for being a huge support.

My fellow graduates, I am so excited for what the future holds for us! Once again, well done Class of 2018!

Mutale Chewe, BSc in Economics and Finance (First Class Honours)



Antonio Mele

I'm an Associate Professorial Lecturer in Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Currently training for the next zombie apocalypse.