Hot and Trending Web Development Technologies 2018

Tanya K
5 min readMay 21, 2018

The digitisation has hiked the web development and there are, now, several ways to design a website. It is also possible to retrofit a website with several customised apps that use a mix of web technologies. However, it is important to note that not all web technologies are a good fit for everyone. The best thing to do is to go through the software documentation for each and every coding environment, APIs, and framework. But, this is a time-consuming feat. That’s when this summary of the top eight hot and trending web development technologies comes to the rescue.

MEAN Stack

MEAN.js is a software conglomerate that encompasses MongoDB, Express, Angular JS, and Node JS. Using the respective capabilities of all these programming languages and the collective capabilities of their libraries, developers can quickly undertake lengthy projects. Compatible with MacOS, Windows, and Linux alike, MEAN stack provides a uniform coding experience that is bolstered by a very powerful DBMS in MongoDB. This means faster apps, rock steady performance, and support for the MVC architecture as well. Because of JSON, MEAN stack has been running very well with digital product agencies and enterprises alike.



Source: SimilarTech

Laravel is a PHP framework that has a lot of great features. Everything is configured very conveniently in Laravel from the Object-Oriented Libraries including the Authentication Library that makes security very easy to track and tweak. It also comes with its own built-in command-line called Artisan that makes the development part quite simple. The built-in Bcrypt and SQL statements make SQL injection tactics invalid. It also comes with a template engine called Blade and database migration that makes it quite simple for almost any developer to get started. Also, it is fully equipped to respond in both JSON and AJAX as needed. Fundable under Startups uses Laravel to great effect.



Source: Stackoverflow

React JS is an open source JavaScript Library developed by Facebook that can also be converted into a framework. React avoids major DOM operations by creating a virtual DOM and uses native APIs very effectively to make it usable across several platforms very easily. It also has a syntax called JSX that combines React with HTML to create stunning websites. The best part is that the virtual DOM returns a regular webpage, which makes it quite SEO friendly with regards to other JS libraries. Since it is focused on the user interface, it is extremely easy to use for developers with all kinds of resources. Instagram, Yahoo Mail and Facebook (partially) are all built using React JS.

PHP 7 & LAMP Stack

LAMP stack stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and with the inclusion of PHP 7, this is the preferred choice for many developers. Linux is a perfect environment for Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Apache has several inbuilt modules including mod_security, mod_deflate, mod_cache, and mod_rewrite that make the web server very easy to handle. MySQL is a simple but powerful SQL that allows lightning fast database connections and operations. PHP 7 with its JIT compiler makes script compilation and execution extremely fast. Also, PHP 7 throws an exception when it runs into an error instead of throwing a white screen of death. Scalability is a huge bonus with LAMP stack and PHP 7. So, it can be used effectively by mobile and desktop developers alike. WordPress uses LAMP stack with PHP 7 for great results.

WordPress 4.9

Popularly known as ‘Tipton’, WordPress 4.9 brings some major changes to the entire WordPress environment. Ideal for small businesses to extremely large enterprises, WordPress 4.9 includes a compiler that flags syntax errors, enhanced menu customiser UX, and improved theme switching. The new Gallery widget makes it unnecessary to install a separate plugin for the same and the link previews are really nice. There are probably millions of websites running on WordPress. TechCrunch, BBC America, and The Walt Disney Company are some of the most prominent examples.


Source: BuiltWithTrends

ASP.NET coupled with MS SQL is lightning-fast and using MS WebMatrix, it becomes very simple to design small web pages. Using ASP.NET and MS SQL is perfect for small businesses as the .NET framework offers unparalleled support for Windows OS and MVC architecture. Also, ADO.NET is perfect for data management with the .NET framework and is a part of ASP.NET. Some of the most popular websites developed using ASP.NET MVC are GoDaddy, Microsoft, Ancestry, and StackOverflow.

Magento 2

Magento statistics

Source: Creative Minds

Magento 2 eliminates the slow and cluttered feel of Magento 1 by including full caching of the web pages. This automatically reduces load time and with the new mobile-friendly themes, SEO is a lot easier. The admin interface has also been upgraded to include a drag-and-drop visual builder so that non-coders can create a beautiful website as well. There are lots of security upgrades as well, including the key integrations of PayPal, Worldpay, and Cybersource for better payment modules. Magento is perfect for building any type of e-commerce website quick and easy. Graze, Big Bus Tours, Seat Norway, and S’well have all used Magento 2 to great success.

Drupal 8

Drupal has been as popular a CMS as WordPress or Magento but the new Drupal 8 integrates a lot of new features that make it easier for content management. This includes the integrated WYSIWYG editor that makes it possible to navigate to each page and edit them separately. The mobile-friendly themes have made SEO a much easier task as it is built for the ‘mobile-first’ ideology. Drupal 8 also comes with several other integrations such as official webmail, analytics, market automation, and other plugins. Some of the most popular websites running on Drupal 8 include Arsenal FC and InStyle.

The Afterthought

It is a well-known fact that backends are usually meant for specific designs, but there are some limitations to the frontend development as well. In a world where developers get new tools and frameworks every day and the capabilities of each framework are also updated daily, there is no excuse for amateurish work. There is no one technology that is better than the rest and it is best to stick to whatever feels comfortable for development.

Originally posted on Classic Informatics Blog

