List of Top JavaScript Frameworks 2018

Tanya K
5 min readJun 14, 2018

The popularity of JavaScript has been incredible. It is the best scripting language which facilitates designing of exciting interfaces; enhance web application development (with robust features and functions) and employ elements in real time.

JavaScript Frameworks have turned up as an elixir for web development. Developers easily concentrate on creating complex interface elements without bothering about the code structure or maintenance.

Versatile JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks impart intense competitiveness to the language. Its robustness and scalable nature have made it a prime choice for software development services.

Advantages of JavaScript Frameworks

Secure: JavaScript Frameworks have a large community. The community members act as testers and delineate security-related issues and also provide solutions.

Efficient: Inclusion of structured pre-built functions and patterns enable faster completion of projects. Developers end up writing less code resulting in the faster accomplishment of projects.

Cost: The cost of website application development becomes lower with the JavaScript Frameworks since they are free and open source.

Support: JavaScript Frameworks come forth with documentation, community forum, and support groups. Users can report bugs related to the pre-built functions. Bad user experiences and possible solutions can be figured out. The pioneer JavaScript frameworks are supported by giant companies like Google, along with regular modifications in the code base.

Top JavaScript Frameworks to Watch Out in 2018

1. Angular 5

Angular 5 is a powerful and easy to use front-end development framework. It has made Angular faster, with improved loading times.

GitHub Stars: 33000+


  • The TypeScript 2.4 version is supported by Angular 5.
  • Errors are detected as you type.
  • The new feature of string-based enums has been introduced, which indicates that enum can be expressed with a string rather than a number.
  • Angular 5 has simplified the development of progressive web applications.
  • The build optimizer function removes unnecessary code.

Popular Examples: Google Adwords, Adsense, PayPal, Amazon, Upwork, Gmail, JetBlue, Vevo

Pro tip: Angular 5 is the right choice for creating scalable web applications for enterprises.

2. React Native

React Native is a JavaScript Framework used to develop cross-platform mobile apps which can be deployed both on Android and iOS. The use of React Native has spurred in recent years.

GitHub Stars: 89000+

Google Trends- React Native


Popular Examples: Companies such as Facebook, Instagram, New York Times, Whatsapp and Dropbox use React Native.

3. Node.js

Node.js uses an event-driven and single-threaded loop to create web development applications.

GitHub Stars: 50167+


  • Easy Installation and execution
  • Multiple platform compatible code
  • Concurrent architecture facilitates the creation of network applications
  • High performance of HTTP and TCP protocols
  • Reduced Page Loading time
  • A low number of servers to host applications

Popular Examples: Brands such as LinkedIn, NetFlix, Walmart, Trello, Uber, Medium, eBay, and Groupon use Node.js.

Pro tip: Node.js is suitable for business applications which include high data processing.

4. Meteor.js

Meteor.js is an open-source platform for creating real-time web-based applications. Its ability to produce cross-platform code allows faster development of applications.

GitHub Stars: 39000+


  • Responsive Design (Runs smoothly on desktop and mobile phone)
  • Push your app to deployment with a single command
  • Real-time Updates (changes are updated instantly)

Popular Examples:, eFounders, Down to Chill, Glympse, SuiteCharts, and are some brands which deploy Meteor.js.

5. Vue.js

Vue.js allows developers to build user interfaces. This open-source JavaScript framework features an adoptable architecture which enables the integration into the project with varying JavaScript libraries. Developers need to put minimal optimization efforts for web development.

GitHub Stars: 84000+


  • Vue.js is of small size (18–21 KB). Users can download it and easily use it.
  • Its simple structure makes it easy to understand and use, saving time.
  • Allows easy integration with existing applications
  • Comprehensive documentation allows users to easily write their applications
  • Better TypeScript Integration

Popular Examples: Brands such as Alibaba, Xiaomi, Adobe, Grammarly, GitLab, EuroNews, WizzAir, and Laracasts use Vue.js.

6. Ember.js

Ember.js is a good choice for startups. It allows developers to create scalable user interfaces.

GitHub Stars: 33000


  • Enables developers to use future JavaScript and transpile them
  • Well-defined Structure
  • MVC architecture supports data binding

Popular Examples: Used by brands such as Intercom, Zendesk, Yahoo, Netflix, and Apple.

Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework for your Business

Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework for your Business - CI

Selecting a JavaScript framework has a significant impact on your business. When not planned well, deploying a new technology can bring real consequences such as complex implementation, maintenance cost and thus, a greater risk.

Here’s the insight:

A business should follow thoughtful approach to make an informed selection of JavaScript framework (with attention to non-technical considerations). The technology must address and answer important questions such as — — What, When, and How.

What: Define the requirements of the application- what it must do, the system it will interact with, the scalability & security factor and further. Each framework has its own features and particularities that make it suitable to solve a certain set of problems. The chosen framework must meet the end goal and fulfill predictable requirements.

When: Time span is yet another important non-technical consideration. The time-frame is impacted by different factors such as project need, economics and others.

How: Ease of use, versatility, high scalability and maintainability are some of the major factors determining the ‘how’ aspect of technology selection. If the project needs to be deployed quick, the framework should be able to do just that.

Conclusion: Business owners must consult the development team in the selection process of JavaScript Framework. The ‘engineering’ decision must be reviewed keeping in balancing the risks and rewards.

This article was originally posted on Classic Informatics Blog.

