How To Clean Piano Wood: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Brilliant Finish

Ted's List
Classical Music Hub
3 min readAug 1, 2024
How To Clean Piano Wood: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Brilliant Finish

Taking care of your piano’s wood is more than just playing it — it’s about showing your piano some love. When I learned how to clean piano wood, it rewarded me with beautiful music.

As a pianist, I can’t overstate the importance of regular maintenance to keep the lustrous wood of a piano looking as polished as it sounds.

old piano keys

Trust me, a bit of elbow grease and the know-how is all you need to ensure your piano makes as much of a visual statement as a musical one. I recommend a spot of regular dusting with a microfiber cloth — it does wonders for keeping those keys glossy!

Keep reading, and I’ll share how simple things like a microfiber cloth and gentle cleaners work wonders.

Piano needs regular care to keep it sounding great. I ensure it stays in top shape by dusting and polishing it daily and giving it a deep clean when needed.

Daily Piano Care

kid playing a piano

For daily maintenance, I gently rub the keys with a soft, slightly damp microfiber cloth, making sure not to let any water slip between them. Drying the keys immediately afterward with another clean cloth is essential to prevent any moisture damage.

2 Regular Dusting and Polishing

person wiping piano keys

Once a week, I spend extra time taking care of my piano’s outside. I use a feather duster or a soft cloth to gently wipe away dust, following the wood grain to avoid scratches.

For polishing, I use special piano cleaning products to give it a nice shine. I avoid using furniture polish, as it might have chemicals that could harm the piano’s finish.

3 Deep Cleaning and Preventive Measures


Now and then, I thoroughly clean my piano to keep it in great shape. I use a soft brush attachment to vacuum the inside and remove debris.

For deeper wood cleaning, I use products made for pianos to keep the wood hydrated and shiny. After a deep clean, I use a piano polish, such as Cory Care Products Ultimate Care Kit , to protect it from dust and fading.

If you want to see the original article, you can read it here



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