Oboe For Beginners — Top 10 Tips

Ted's List
Classical Music Hub
3 min readOct 18, 2022


If you’re looking for tips and tricks on how to play the oboe, then look no further! Our Oboe For Beginners — Top 10 Tips, will help kick-start your journey. They won’t make you an overnight sensation, but they will help you get on the right path to becoming a great oboist. This beautiful double reed instrument can be difficult to play, but it’s totally worth it in the end…


Are warm-ups really necessary? Well, to play the oboe, you need to work hard, practice, and most importantly, have a great technique. And all of that can come with the toll of backache, arm pain, wrist tension, to name just a few things. So if you’d like to avoid those not-so-fun symptoms of oboe playing, I’d advise a nice warm-up; just to get you started…

We all need goals in life to move forward. Playing the oboe isn’t just about sitting down to start playing; it’s about planning what you’re going to learn, and how you’ll get there. Macro-goals are brilliant. Don’t say “I’m going to learn the Bach Oboe Concerto in the next six days”, as quite frankly, that’s ludicrous! Instead, say you’ll learn two pages of the concerto. And when you do that successfully, celebrate.

This of course applies just as easily to learning Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, as it does to Bach.

Set goals, set your time to practice, and go and do it!

I know scales and arpeggios are not fun, but they are crucial. Just read about them here in our ‘Beginners Guide to Playing the Oboe‘ — and you’ll find out why. Learning the oboe is difficult, but the quicker you understand that pretty much all music is either scale or arpeggio based, the faster you’ll make progress. So love them or hate them, the basics are here to stay!

Read the full length original article here

Oboe For Beginners — Top 10 Tips Infographic
Proudly created by Edward Hill-White. Please feel free to share, but always credit Ted’s List. © Ted’s List

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