class notes

Nicole Zhu
Class Notes
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2016

By the time I graduate college this June, I will have taken 46 classes over the last four years. Most of those classes have involved jotting down lecture notes, essays, midterms, late nights working on labs, finals, etc. But aside from a few project classes, most of the work I’ve produced for school has only been seen by professors and most of the subject matter I’ve analyzed hasn’t left discussion sections.

But in every college career, there are life-changing classes that expand your worldview and professors who challenge your preconceived notions on certain topics. Even better, what you learn in those classes might be current or applicable in your daily life. (I swear there’s course being offered right now at Northwestern on internet culture that’s just being referred to as “the meme class.”)

I’m currently in an amazing African American Studies class — AF AM 215: Intro to Black Social and Political Life. Our syllabus includes Between the World and Me and though we’re only two weeks into the quarter, we’ve already touched on everything from Rachel Dolezal to Black Lives Matter to Lena Dunham. Every lecture is engaging, eye-opening, and relevant (tbh the way every lecture should be). These are the kinds of lectures that make class worth going to and make me think, damn everyone needs to take this class.

So starting with AF AM 215, I’m going to publish all of my class notes and essays here on Medium. Feel free to follow along by subscribing to Class Notes!

