How to Sign Up for a Free Flipgrid Account in 5 Easy Steps

UPDATED: Classroom Champions Loves Flipgrid for Social and Emotional Learning!

Darri Stephens
Classroom Champions
4 min readAug 3, 2020


Flip (formerly Flipgrid), the popular and FREE video discussion platform from Microsoft, has long been loved by teachers and classrooms far and wide. And Classroom Champions is jumping on the bandwagon by using the intuitive tool to help strengthen students’ relationships with their virtual Athlete Mentors throughout the school year in our Mentorship+ Program.

This year, we will be sending our educators simple Flip links to click on to get started. With one click, they’ll automatically be added to a group with their Athlete Mentor. From there, they can have their students join via the JOIN CODE to share videos with their Athlete Mentor throughout the school year. We’ve created a simple FAQ too to help with implementation.

How do I get started?

If you’re interested in using Flip for topics in your classroom, try these five steps to get started:

STEP 1: Go to (or and click the pinky-purple SIGN UP button in the upper right-hand corner. Sign in with your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account to begin your free Flip account creation. Read Flip’s help article if you need more support in setting up your educator account.

STEP 2: Next, create a private GROUP by clicking the +GROUP button on the left-hand side of your dashboard (add title and image). Consider 1 group/classroom as the home base of sorts. You can limit access to your group with your students by email or using their student IDs. They do NOT need their own accounts; instead, you can share a “JOIN CODE” or customize a link to to copy/paste or share via a QR code. Do watch the video below or read Flip’s help article to learn more about how to share a group with students.

Super helpful video from Flip!

STEP 3: Now create a TOPIC, or many, by clicking on the +TOPIC button. Topics are your reflection prompts. You can attach links, images, and videos (maybe record a video prompt!). You can add an unlimited amount of topics to a group. Within each group, you also can ADD CO-LEAD if you want to have another teacher as a collaborator and contributor. (Don’t forget that you can set up notifications of when others add their video responses through Flip’s mobile app).

STEP 4: For each group or topic, you can click on the SHARE button to share via the link, which you can copy, grab a QR code for, embed, or send through Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Remind, or Twitter (X). You also can share a guest password for a particular topic if you want to give access to someone outside of your group, say an administrator or family member.

STEP 5: Now the fun begins — your students will record and share their own video response to your prompt. All students in the group will be able to watch and learn from one another at any time, in or outside of the classroom.

What is flipped learning?

Flip has long been loved by fans of flipped learning, as teachers have found that the platform encourages ongoing conversations outside of the school day and school walls. Flip is a key tool to increase engagement for virtual learning scenarios too. Plus, it supports students with varied learning styles — especially those who may be a bit reticent to share their thoughts in group settings or for those who like to “talk to think.”

How is Classroom Champions using Flip?

For over ten years, Classroom Champions has been pairing classrooms virtually with elite Athlete Mentors to help students develop key social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. This year, many of our teachers are leveraging the power of Flip’s video discussions with Classroom Champions’ Athlete Mentors, who share video messages with their students.

Students, in turn, can respond back via video and ask questions of their Athlete Mentor via Flip. Then, classrooms can have a two-way virtual discussion in a safe space. Think of this exchange as a new-age pen pal! Flip will strengthen this special relationship between the kids and their Athlete Mentor, allowing them to build their bond further before and after their two Live Chats (part of the Mentorship+ offering). Can’t you just imagine the meaningful exchanges that will happen?

Have lingering questions? See this simple FAQ!

Discover how Flip can help you engage, communicate, and foster creativity in your classroom for SEL and beyond. Join us, Classroom Champions, in our love for Flip this school year, and sign up for Flip for free today!

ARTICLE UPDATED: September 2023



Darri Stephens
Classroom Champions

Founder of Darrow Ink, a content creation and content marketing consultancy; former public school teacher; edtech enthusiast; painter and writer