Teacher Appreciation Week: Classroom Champion Teachers

Thank you to all the teachers who have created welcoming, supportive and creative environments for students to learn. We appreciate YOU.

Genevieve Adams
Classroom Champions
3 min readMay 3, 2022


We know teachers have been faced with so many challenges and obstacles these past few years. It’s no secret that they need our support now more than ever, as we celebrate all they do during Teacher Appreciation Week. This week (and always!), we’re spotlighting some teachers within our community who are making a huge impact on the lives of their students. Thank you for all you do.

Classroom Champions Teachers:

Ashley Anderson

Ashley Anderson is a 5th-year teacher with Classroom Champions, paired with Tyler Carter. She “loves the connection my students make with their mentor, to each other, and to being part of something bigger than themselves. I also love the support of the teacher community for myself.”

She has been teaching 3rd grade in Medford, Oregon for 18 years!

Jenne MacIsaac

Jenne MacIsaac is a 9th-year teacher with CC who is paired with Alysia Rissling. She loves the connection and energy that CC keeps alive in her teaching. Jenne shares that “it’s also wonderful having a knowledgeable person sharing the teaching with me, demonstrating firsthand how important these skills are.”

A fun fact about Jenne is that Classroom Champions has connected her to friends across Canada and the US. “These teachers I consider a part of my family.” Thank you for all you do, Jenne!!

Ella Maya

Ella Maya is an 8th-year teacher with CC. This year she is paired with Chris Mazdzer and when she is asked to list her favorite part of CC she arrives at a roadblock… What isn’t there to love about this program?! She loves “the fact that my students get to be mentored by world-class athletes, I get to partner with these mentors to create a valuable growth experience for OUR students, the vast community I have built with CC teachers from across North America, and lastly…the continued support and knowledge that no matter what, we are here for our students and their Social-Emotional Health.” Classroom Champions thanks you for all you do, Ella!

Brent Nycz

Brent Nycz is an 8-year teacher with Classroom Champions, paired this year with Deja Young. His favorite part of CC is seeing how his students connect to their athlete mentors. When asked how he wants to present Classroom Champions to others, Brent shares, “have you ever seen a kid connect with an athlete and change how they approach their work, their friendships… their lives? I get to see that every year in my classroom because of Classroom Champions.”

Martina McQuire

We are happy to shine a spotlight on teacher ambassador Martina McQuire! Proud to be a GATOR, sharing this pride with Steve Mesler and her class’s mentor, Christian Taylor, Martina has been with Classroom Champions for 10 years!

Her favorite parts include “the relationships built between the mentor and the students and having the kids say it is the best part of their year.”



Genevieve Adams
Classroom Champions

Genevieve manages Classroom Champions Communications and Marketing.