It’s World Gratitude Day!

Our Classroom Champions staff wants to tell you what we’re grateful for

Genevieve Adams
Classroom Champions
3 min readSep 21, 2020


The world has its challenges right now, but our staff has put together what they are grateful for during this moment. Whether it’s family, health, the great outdoors or all of the above — we’re excited to share with you how we’re celebrating Word Gratitude Day!

As an organization, we’re grateful for the sponsors and advisors who make it possible to offer 90% off your Classroom Champion membership through scholarship. THIS. IS. HUGE. We feel extraordinarily lucky to be able to provide powerful programming to teachers and students who need this now more than ever. Take advantage of this opportunity to sign up for the same price as a few cups of coffee. We can offer this scholarship until October 2!

It’s also a friendly competition amongst four of our athlete mentors! Olympians Meghan Duggan and Elana Meyers-Taylor and Paralympians Markeith Price and Sam Bosco are competing to see who can get the most signups through their codes! The winning athlete mentor gets a special treat for their Mentorship classrooms.

Simply choose your SEL Foundations Curriculum grade level (K-2, 3–5, 6–8) and enter one of the below four codes for the scholarship pricing:

And of course we are grateful for you … our educators who go above and beyond on a daily basis in “normal” times, never mind the extraordinary lengths you are currently going to to make sure our kids are happy, healthy, and well educated. Thank you, truly!



Genevieve Adams
Classroom Champions

Genevieve manages Classroom Champions Communications and Marketing.