Your feedback is needed: Professional Development

We’re looking for K-12 educators to weigh in, please!

Darri Stephens
Classroom Champions
Dec 13, 2022


Are you a K-12 educator? Do you have opinions about professional development (PD)?

Results from edWeb’s 2021 Professional Development survey

If so, we have a simple request … Would you be willing to fill out this 5-question survey for Classroom Champions? We are looking to design new professional development (PD) resources, but we want to know what you want and what you need!

Take our survey and be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card

Answer this quick survey by December 23rd and we will pick one respondent at random to win a $100 Amazon gift card. We appreciate your candid responses. Thank you in advance and Happy Holidays!

5 questions … that’s it …



Darri Stephens
Classroom Champions

Founder of Darrow Ink, a content creation and content marketing consultancy; former public school teacher; edtech enthusiast; painter and writer