Six Classroom Tools Every Educator Should Use

Ayana Lage
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2017

Whether you’re already thinking about fall curriculum or just looking for ways to make life easier for students, you don’t have to do it alone. We have gathered some tools that can revolutionize your classroom and listed them below. Read on to find out more.

1 - Evernote

Millions of people use Evernote every day to keep track of simple tasks, but it also has value for a classroom. Professors can use the program to do everything from creating lesson plans to capturing feedback from students. Documents in Evernote are searchable, so quizzes, assignments and worksheets can be saved and easily organized. Free for basic features; $69.99/year for a premium plan.

2 - Socrative

Thanks to Socrative, tests and quizzes have never been easier. The tool allows teachers to connect with students while in class. You can launch a quiz or instantly ask a question and receive student feedback. Even students who are learning remotely can participate, and Socrative has a clean, easy-to-use interface. Free for basic features; $49.99 for a premium plan.

3 - Classuite

Classuite is a messaging app that offers teachers a safe and simple way to instantly communicate with students. The user-friendly platform allows teachers to quickly send class announcements, upload resources, share important documents and keep students engaged. Students can submit assignments, ask questions, and collaborate in groups. Everything is searchable in seconds from any device, and you never have to share your phone number or private information. Free for teachers and students.

4 - Prezi

If you’re relying on PowerPoint for classroom presentations, we’ve got good news for you. Prezi is a step up from PowerPoint when it comes to visually instructing your students. Even if you’re not a design pro, the tool will help you create aesthetically pleasing presentations. You can easily use templates and plug in your own information or start from scratch. Free for basic features; premium plans start at $4.92/month.

5 - Noisli

Ever find yourself looking for a way to increase the comfort and productivity of your students? Noisli was created to provide relaxing background noise and allows you to mix a variety of comforting sounds. If there’s downtime during your class and students are working quietly, you can make your classroom sound like anything from a bustling coffeeshop to a calming rainstorm. Free.

6 - Trello

Trello is a project management tool most commonly used by businesses, but its features are also valuable for educators. It allows students to keep track of various modules, and you can create cards to prepare your class for upcoming lessons and learning objectives. Additionally, it lets students easily access resources they’ll need all semester like a syllabus or exam schedule. Free for basic features; plans start at $9.99/month per user.

Now that you have an idea of ways to improve the technology in your classroom and communicate more effectively with your students, make sure you check out our post on email’s inevitable death and what it means for education.



Ayana Lage

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