The Benefits of Instant Messaging In College Classrooms

Ayana Lage
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2017

How comfortable do you think students are with using mobile phones in the classroom? Thanks to a study published in Research in Learning Technology and authored by two university professors, we have a better idea of the benefits of instant messaging. The duo interviewed 75 students to gauge student attitudes toward mobile technology. Read on to find out more.

Instant messaging is immediate.

The study found that students respond almost immediately to notifications on their mobile phones, so text messaging and instant messaging grabs their attention. Once you’ve captivated a student’s interest, you have a chance to motivate them toward success. Additionally, almost every student has a mobile phone and keeps it on all the time.

Instant messaging is ubiquitous.

We all reach for our phones when we want to chat with friends, so it’s natural that students are more likely to form friendship groups if a classroom uses mobile technology.

As we noted earlier, it’s not surprising that young people feel familiar with mobile modes of communication. The study found that students aren’t only comfortable with Instant Messaging— they welcome it in the classroom. One author says “it would be foolish to ignore [mobile devices] in any learning environment.”

A challenge that professors must be willing to tackle is shifting the mindsets of students. Because young people are accustomed to using their mobile devices for social purposes, educators have to convince students to use their phones for school purposes as well. The good news is that according to thye study, they’re willing.

Instant messaging is better than email.

Because young people view mobile communication as more instant than email, it helps them build connections with each other and their instructors. Email often requires access to computers, while students have their phones on them at all times.

Instant messaging helps with time management.

Using mobile communication for virtual office hours and to remind students about important due dates. It can also be used for emergencies like class cancellations. Instant messaging can also help create a “two-way conversation” between students and faculty, especially if a student isn’t able to make it to class.

Now that you know the benefits of using instant messaging in your classroom, the only question left is where to start. Reach out to the team at Classuite to find out more about how educational technology can improve your students’ classroom experience.



Ayana Lage

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