AI DOT: CLASSUM’s AI-Powered Learning Assistant

Find answers effortlessly with AI DOT.

4 min readJul 8, 2024


For all its incredible benefits, online learning has one major flaw: the lack of 1-to-1 attention. Employees are often left to navigate their organization’s entire database alone, and their questions can go unanswered for hours. The process can feel solitary and overwhelming, when really learners should have a reliable aid structure to lean on.

What if things were different? What if team members could receive attentive, detailed support throughout each step of their learning journey?

This set the blueprint for our AI assistant. The truth is, most other virtual assistants are closer to chatbots — you’ll often receive prewritten answers from admin, or at a dead end for nuanced questions. We wanted to give users something more adaptive and thoughtful.

The result was CLASSUM’s AI DOT: a powerful AI helper that provides convenient, insightful support for your most specific questions. AI DOT scours your organization’s database to locate helpful resources, acting as a tailored assistant for each learner.

How does AI DOT work?

As mentioned, AI DOT doesn’t provide answers prewritten by admin. It searches through every nook and cranny of your database for answers, independently.

AI DOT has 2 primary use cases: solving questions directly, and linking questions to other users and previous posts. Let’s take a closer look!

Use case 1: Solving questions directly

Calm Caterpillar — an anonymous user — is leading her first meeting in a few days, and is looking for tips. As soon as she posts a question in her space, AI DOT starts searching for any post and material that could be related to the post’s keywords. It finds an answer in seconds:

Users can also check an answer’s source, in case they want to double-check or look into the answer more deeply. As shown below, AI DOT found this answer from a PDF document on team communication from a few years ago, uploaded by another user:

Use case 2: Linking questions to other users and previous posts

A few days later, Cute Lizard asks for help with leading meetings. But hang on — didn’t someone ask a similar question last week? What about similar questions before that? AI DOT doesn’t find just direct answers, it also searches for any related interactions that could be helpful.

Cute Lizard can now view all previous interactions about leading meetings in the database. Sometimes, users may want more than just one answer — they may be looking for a variety of paths to explore and solve their questions. AI DOT presents these directions to users handily.

In summary…

Here’s a step-by-step process of AI DOT’s magic:

  1. Post a question. Don’t worry about changing your wording for our assistant to understand better, just ask whatever comes to mind!
  2. AI DOT begins its database search with your question in mind. It’ll go through each word of every relevant question, member interaction, and file attachment in your organization.
  3. AI DOT gathers relevant results and presents them to you succinctly.

Consider this to the traditional discussion forum. Post a question, and you have two options: wait until another user is online to reply, or manually sift through your organization’s records for an answer. That’s a lot of time you could use to acquire new skills and knowledge.

AI DOT, however, eliminates these needless, idle parts of the learning process. It makes you feel like you’re not taking the course alone, even when online!

AI DOT is just one of our many features designed to meet your learning needs. At CLASSUM, we’re committed to making learning interactive, dynamic, and inclusive of every kind of learner.

Interested in learning more? Check out our links below!

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