Go 100% remote learning with CLASSUM (feat. Zoom)

Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2020

The basic requirements to conduct an offline class are:

  1. Place: Somewhere where teachers and students gather;
  2. Resources: Be able to share files, content, and assignments;
  3. Communication: Reciprocal communication where participants are able to clearly receive and deliver messages.

However, COVID-19 put us in a situation where we are neither able to go out nor meet in person and thus forced to learn in the confinement of our houses.

But not everything is lost! CLASSUM is a flexible tool that helps you enhance your learning experience even during this pandemic. Go through the article and check how CLASSUM supports remote learning!

1. Place

Where educators and students meet

Within 3 minutes, teachers are able to create online classes on CLASSUM and invite students. Check out how easy it is to start!

2. Resources

1) Learning materials

Teachers are able to send different types of materials (video, image, and files) through CLASSUM’s features such as Notice, Survey, Feedback, and Questions. Video upload is also available so students can watch it on the spot. Teachers can also check who viewed the post.

Use Notes to share interesting materials and articles, and ask questions with Surveys.

2) Assignments

Deliver assignments to students with CLASSUM’s Feedback feature. Although every student is able to view the assignment, only the teacher is allowed to view each student's answer.

3. Communication

Texting is one of the most used communication methods, but sometimes it’s not enough to fully deliver our message. With CLASSUM’s Zoom-integration, you are able to conduct online live classes.

With the Zoom-integration, you are also able to check each student's attendance in three different ways.

  • Call students’ names
  • Leave an attendance check on the chat
  • Use Zoom’s report on sessions

Calling students’ names

Prepare an attendance list, call for each student’s name, and wait for their response.

Before you proceed:

- Tell your students to check their Zoom Screen Name if it matches their own names.
- Ask your students if they have their microphones and video working.
- If any of the students do not have a microphone or camera on their computers, ask them to join through their phones.
- Microphone and video can be turned on&off at the bottom side of the screen.

Leave an attendance check on the chat

Ask your students to leave a message on the chat with their major and name or any other important information. Click on the ❶ Chat icon at the bottom part of the screen to open the ❷ chat feature. Click on the ❸ “…” icon at the bottom right part of the chat to ❹ save the contents.

Find saved files in [My Computer -> Documents -> Zoom] folder. The file will automatically be named as “meeting_saved_chat”.

Zoom reports on sessions

Zoom offers a separate report of your class so you can check each student’s participation.

Go to [Account Management-> Reports -> User Activity Reports -> Operation Logs]. Check the details regarding your class and click on it. The “Participants” menu will show all meeting participants and their join time. If you wish to export the report, click on “Export” and receive an Excel file.

※ Be aware that the “Report” feature is only available for Zoom premium users.

Now that you have check all of your students’ attendance shall we start learning?

CLASSUM offers interaction buttons such as “Curious”, “Solved/Unsolved” and “Interested” in order to boost engagement between all participants. For example, during a debate session on CLASSUM, students may click on “Curious” to show interest in a specific question or opinion instead of typing “I’m also curious!!”. This saves time and increases activity.

If you, as a teacher, have been conducting online sessions through SNS platforms, you have probably struggled to organize the class and the resulting data. CLASSUM offers an easy solution for online learning and communication in the education industry by reducing repeated content and increasing interaction.

+ Class insights

No matter the effort you put into a class, sometimes it’s just impossible to do just as in offline classes while looking at your students. But at the same time, online learning also offers some perks offline classes don’t such as digital data.

Through CLASSUM, you have access to detailed insights on your students, their performance, and their participation. All data is organized in one place and exportable to PDF and Excel.

When a student has low participation levels, you’ll be able to know about it right away and talk to him/her.

What is CLASSUM?

CLASSUM is an interactive class tool used by many universities and educational institutions around the world. In order to support the education community affected by COVID-19, CLASSUM is offering our premium version for free until July 31st (limited to K-12 and universities).

CLASSUM is a communication tool for education used by institutions around the world, including Samsung, Hyundai, LG CNS, Shiseido, and KAIST.

Learn more about CLASSUM 👉 www.classum.com

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