How to conduct debate sessions on CLASSUM

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2020

Is CLASSUM a Q&A tool?
Is CLASSUM used only for coding classes?
Is CLASSUM only for post class usage?

These are some of the most asked questions we get. CLASSUM is indeed a communication tool fit for Q&A but it’s not limited to it. We provide features that allow educators and students to engage and interact with each other in several ways. This article will cover how CLASSUM can be used for arts and humanities classes, and more specifically, how to be used during class.

How to conduct debate sessions

  1. Getting ready
    ️❗ Prepare the debate topic and questions beforehand.
    ️❗ Create a debate structure such as discussions time limit.
  2. The debate organizer (teacher) must create a post with all the details such as time, topic, and rules.
  3. Write a reply with the debate topic.
  4. Remind students of CLASSUM’s interactions such as “likes” to increase engagement between students.
  5. Use the reply feature to let students know that the time is up when necessary.
  6. When the debate finishes, organize the contents by standards such as “like” quantities and opinion diversity, and share it through the “note” feature.

Check out how the philosophy department of Duksung Women’s University is using CLASSUM as a debate tool for their classes!

CLASSUM is a communication tool for education used by institutions around the world, including Samsung, Hyundai, LG CNS, Shiseido, and KAIST.

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