Is Java Tend to be a Fantastic Game Changer?

Classy Engineers
Classy Engineers
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2021

From the medieval Era, Humans needed interaction, they crave it. Also, there are various languages for a human to interact with.

Similarly, computers understand different programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python, and many more to perform tasks. In this blog, we have the most used languages throughout the world for your learning and this language is JAVA. Even after 25 Years, Java is the best programming language to learn for beginners.

Java is one of the popular object-oriented programming languages. Object-oriented means every problem can be solved from the perspective of an object. The usage of Java is everywhere; right from your mobiles to laptops, gaming to supercomputers, etc. and the syntax of java code is similar to C and C++ but a lot easier. Learning Java will thus be very beneficial but needs quiet time.

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Well! Don’t panic, Classy Engineers are with you and we have developed a simpler path for you to learn Java. But before moving on to syntax learning let’s set a base for it and know why and how to get started with Java.

Why Java?

But why should I learn Java? Is it still worth learning java? For a long time, Java has been the primary programming language for developing Web applications, Android applications, etc. The reasons to choose java is its:

-English like Syntax(user friendly)

-No Complicated Concepts

-Various inbuilt dynamic libraries

-Many free resources available for learning (Coursera, Javatpoint, etc)

Also, Github ranked Java as the third most popular programming language. Besides, Java incorporates features like abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, and built-in packages.

What you can do with java:

Java is a universal language that shows its versatility in almost all different software development and maintenance work. Today, Java’s utilization cases have extended to Data Science applications, Machine Learning applications, and even IoT. Some of the main application of Java are:

Web Application Development: Java is the most appropriate language for web applications. In many different sectors like Health, E-commerce, Education, etc. java worked alone or accompanied by some other language. Some of the applications where java is used are Facebook, Sun Developer Network, etc.

Mobile Application Development: We use java to build mobile apps as it has huge open source support and contains different libraries, API, etc. which is helpful for developers and provides faster performance. To develop a mobile application, Eclipse Android Studio, etc. are very popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which uses Java. Many Apps that use java for their development are Spotify, Twitter, Cashapp, etc.

Desktop GUI Application and Software Tools: GUI stands for the graphical user interface which is a system of visual components like buttons, icons, etc. The user interacts with these components to perform some action and java has many APIs like AWT, JavaFX, etc. to build a Desktop application. Acrobat reader, Media player, Antiviruses, etc. are Java-based desktop applications.

Much Popular software like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans IDE, and Wikipedia search engine, etc. are written and developed in java. These are the most used desktop applications written in java.

Other applications of java are Enterprise, Scientific, Gaming, Cloud-based application, etc. You can see other applications of java here.

If you think you can cope up with java then someday you will be a Web Developer or maybe an Android Developer. Be patient, give some time to Java, maybe it will give so much to you.

Hold on! This is just the beginning, a lot more astonishing concepts of Java will be with you soon.

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Classy Engineers
Classy Engineers

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